CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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The Internet

In this chapter, you will learn how to

• Explain how the Internet works

• Connect to the Internet

• Use Internet application protocols

• Troubleshoot an Internet connection

Imagine coming home from a long day at work building and fixing

computers, sitting down in front of your shiny new computer, double-clicking

on the single icon that sits dead center on your monitor … and suddenly

you’re enveloped in an otherworldly scene, where 200-foot trees slope

smoothly into snow-white beaches and rich blue ocean. Overhead,

pterodactyls soar through the air while you talk to a small chap with pointy

ears and a long robe about heading up the mountain in search of a giant

monster … . A TV show from the Syfy channel? Spielberg’s latest film

offering? How about an interactive game played by millions of people all

over the planet on a daily basis by connecting to the Internet? If you guessed

the last one, you’re right.

This chapter covers the skills you need as a tech to help people connect to

the Internet. It starts with a brief section on how the Internet works, along

with the concepts of connectivity, and then it goes into the specifics of

hardware, protocols, and software that you use to make the Internet work for

you (or for your client). Finally, you’ll learn how to troubleshoot a bad

Internet connection. Let’s get started!


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