CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide

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burn-in, so it’s a good idea to protect them with time-tested solutions:

configure the OS to turn off idle displays or protect them with an

animated screen saver.

Be careful if you open an LCD to work on the inside. The inverter can bite

you in several ways. First, it’s powered by a high-voltage electrical circuit

that can give you a nasty shock. Worse, the inverter will retain a charge for a

few minutes after you unplug it, so unplug and wait for a bit. Second,

inverters get very hot and present a very real danger of burning you at a

touch. Again, wait for a while after you unplug it to try to replace it. Finally,

if you shock an inverter, you might irreparably damage it. Use proper ESDavoidance


Bottom line on fixing LCD monitors? You can find companies that sell

replacement parts for LCDs, but repairing an LCD is difficult, and there are

folks who will do it for you faster and cheaper than you can. Search for a

specialty LCD repair company. Hundreds of these companies exist all over

the world.

Dealing with High-Resolution Monitors

High-resolution monitors offer beautiful visuals, but can make screen

elements—buttons, menus, stuff for navigating operating systems and

applications—too small for some viewers. If you recall from earlier in the

chapter, LCD monitors have a default resolution; the picture will degrade if

you set the resolution lower than the default. But, that’s what a lot of people

do, because it makes the screen elements bigger and thus useable. That’s not

the solution!

The best way to deal with the scenario of tiny screen elements is through

the Display Settings/Display applet. Every version of Windows enables you

to change the size of screen elements directly, making the screen elements

appear larger (or smaller). The resolution doesn’t change; only the size of the

screen elements change. Open Display Settings/Display applet. Figure 17-66

shows the drop-down options in Windows 10. Note that changing the size of

text, apps, and other items from 100 percent to 125 or 200 percent is a simple


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