Bulletin January 12th

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Torah Portion Preview<br />

For Va’eira<br />

Shabbat beginning <strong>January</strong> 12 th , 2024<br />

Va-eira (God appeared) describes God instructing Moses to persuade Pharaoh to let<br />

the Israelites go. The text shows Moses as so humble that he found his own voice<br />

uninspiring. God allowed Moses' brother Aaron to help and armed them both with<br />

magical powers. Egyptian magician-priests so readily duplicated the first few of their<br />

artifices that Pharaoh failed to believe that Moses’ God had extraordinary power. Vaeira<br />

describes only four generations of Israelites in slavery while other Torah portions<br />

describe four centuries.<br />

Consistent scholarship since the nineteenth century has concluded that people from<br />

several traditions wrote the Torah. Accepting multiple traditions, we can resolve the<br />

discrepancy in the durations of slavery by concluding that different traditions had<br />

different standards of description. Both literary epics and social science exist to teach,<br />

but only the latter insists on accurate description. As Rabbi Joshua Mikutis discerns in<br />

The Mussar Torah Commentary, Va-eira teaches us the humility to find the “divine in<br />

this moment” despite our inherently capricious world. Moses failed ten times to<br />

persuade Pharaoh, but our Passover seders celebrate ultimate success. Despite<br />

inaccurate description, we get the inspiring instruction that accomplishing goals of<br />

historic or personal significance might require even ten failures.<br />

We invite all to come to synagogue in person or on Zoom on Friday night to hear<br />

a more in-depth interpretation from Rabbi Meeka (or this Sabbath's lay speaker). We<br />

also invite other views, interpretations, reflections, and even poems on each Torah<br />

portion. If you have something to contribute, please email it to<br />

RPC@templeadasshalom.org. This and prior previews can be found at Dr. David<br />

Dirlam's website by clicking on Changing Wisdoms Projects.<br />

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Mi Sheberakh * We Pray for Healing<br />

Anita Rosenzweig<br />

Barbara Chancey<br />

Daniel Hurst<br />

Elise Schipper<br />

Fred Belkin<br />

Gerri Bronk<br />

Harvey Malin<br />

Heather Mullis<br />

Herb Abrams<br />

Maddox Langbein<br />

Marcy Schirloff<br />

Marcy Werde<br />

Nancy Lever<br />

Natalie Litofsky<br />

Paula Mathai<br />

Ray Lee<br />

Roberta Burdette<br />

Steve Nohowel<br />

Recently Passed<br />

Louis (Lou) Abrams<br />

Father of our member Herb Abrams, passed away on the seventh morning of Hanukkah,<br />

December 14, after a week blessed with the company of his loving family. He would<br />

have reached 100 in June. Survived and beloved by his wife Ruth, brother Claude, his<br />

children, grandchildren, their spouses as well as his great-grandchildren.<br />

Yahrzeits Observed<br />

Arthur Salkovitz<br />

Remembered by Harvey Salkovitz<br />

Coleman Hamburger<br />

Remembered by Marjorie Sherman<br />

Dr. Alvin Louis Sirkis<br />

Remembered by Ivan, James, & Jennifer<br />

Sirkis<br />

Herbert Shapiro<br />

Remembered by Jamie Hyman<br />

Martha Sherman<br />

Remembered by Roger Sherman<br />

Morris Tossman<br />

Remembered by Marshall Rosin<br />

Selma Frank<br />

Remembered by Richard Frank<br />

Shirley Friedman<br />

Remembered by Elliot Larkin &<br />

Ellen Farkas<br />

Caring Committee Announcement<br />

Caring is about both the simchas and healing through support and community. Is there a<br />

moment you would like to share, privately or publicly?<br />

We want to be there for you so please let us know. Email caring@templeadasshalom.org<br />

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TAS/HJC Calendar of Events<br />


12 2 nd of Sh’vat 5784<br />

9:00am: SLAM Fitness<br />

13 3 rd of Sh’vat 5784<br />

Va’eira<br />

14 4 th of Sh’vat 5784 15 5 th of Sh’vat 5784<br />

MLK Day<br />

9:00am: SLAM Fitness<br />

4:44pm: Candle Lighting<br />

7:00pm: MLK Tribute<br />

Shabbat Evening Service<br />


16 6 th of Sh’vat 5784 17 7 th of Sh’vat 5784<br />

18 8 th of Sh’vat 5784<br />

9:00am: SLAM Fitness<br />

7:30pm: Adult Ed. Meeting<br />

7:00pm: Choir Rehearsal<br />

Upcoming Zoom Live Streamed Services & Events<br />


Friday, <strong>January</strong> 19 th<br />

Dinner begins at 5:30pm; In-Person Service begins at 6:15pm; Live<br />

Streaming starts at 6:00pm-7:15pm<br />

Mazel Tov<br />


12 th Brad Cogan * 12 th Rayna Drabinski * 12 th Mollie Kravitz-Yoffee * 13 th Henry Hoffman<br />

13 th David Dirlam * 14 th Amy Ratner * 17 th Toby Merriken * 18 th Frank Chancey * 18 th Shelley Feinman<br />


47 th Barbara & Robert Lynch<br />

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