JUNIA Magazine Issue 03

A Magazine for women about faith, miracles and how to live the Christian life today. Encouragement, Inspiration and Links to Resources.

A Magazine for women about faith, miracles and how to live the Christian life today. Encouragement, Inspiration and Links to Resources.


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<strong>JUNIA</strong> MAGAZINE / ISSUE <strong>03</strong><br />

17<br />

And His times of prayer weren’t<br />

always simply for the teaching or<br />

modeling for others. There are<br />

many instances when Jesus drew<br />

away to pray without anyone else<br />

present (Matt. 14:23; Luke 5:16).<br />

We don’t know what He prayed<br />

during those times, and He didn’t<br />

see the need to always record<br />

His intimate conversations with<br />

His Father. We just know it was<br />

important enough to Jesus that He<br />

orchestrated moments to be alone<br />

in His prayers.<br />

Other times He modeled prayer<br />

for others, such as when He<br />

instructed His disciples in what<br />

we now know as the Lord’s Prayer<br />

(Matt. 6:9–14). He also prayed<br />

at key moments ‐ such as the<br />

resurrection of Lazarus ‐ in a way<br />

that benefited those around Him:<br />

So they took away the stone.<br />

Then Jesus looked up and said,<br />

“Father, I thank you that you have<br />

heard me. I knew that you always<br />

hear me, but I said this for the<br />

benefit of the people standing<br />

here, that they may believe that<br />

you sent me” (John 11:41–42).<br />

We also notice that Jesus’ prayers<br />

were often full of emotion and<br />

agony. It’s one more indicator that,<br />

yes, Jesus needed to pray:<br />

During the days of Jesus’ life on<br />

earth, he offered up prayers and<br />

petitions with fervent cries and<br />

tears to the one who could save<br />

him from death, and he was heard<br />

because of his reverent submission<br />

(Heb. 5:7).<br />

You can’t study the life of Jesus<br />

without concluding that prayer<br />

was - and is - a critical component<br />

of His life. He modeled it, pursued<br />

it, and was passionate about it.<br />

And now He has the assignment of<br />

fulltime intercession at the throne<br />

of God: “Christ Jesus who died ‐<br />

more than that, who was raised<br />

to life ‐ is at the right hand of God<br />

and is also interceding for us.”<br />

(Rom. 8:34).<br />

He is, after all, the Greatest<br />

Intercessor.<br />

How Else Did Jesus Pray?<br />

What are some other general<br />

things that Jesus prayed about?<br />

Whatever Jesus prayed about

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