AlbertEnz Monograf final

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Albert Enz - Art poetics between travel and visions<br />

Albert Enz's sources are particularly traceable to this early painter and later,<br />

due to color modulation and the presence of pure color itself, also to abstract<br />

and informal painters. But why Burri? Enz's body of work isn't solely<br />

comprised of mountains and nature scenes, but also includes numerous<br />

melancholic reflections and chromatic experimentation, resembling that<br />

of Alberto Burri. Burri's 1954 work "Il Sacco" seems to underpin Albert Enz's<br />

"Fenetre vers la mer" (2019). Though highly distinct in terms of color, the geometric<br />

structure and arrangement on the canvas are strikingly similar. Enz's<br />

palette also mirrors Burri's, with the presence of more neutral hues like sand<br />

and brighter tones like red.<br />

The timeline stretching from Cézanne to Alberto Burri spans over a century.<br />

Albert Enz has thus assimilated, at times even involuntarily, the most important<br />

and intriguing legacy of Contemporary Art, positioning himself as<br />

a present thread connecting our past to our future.<br />

2 - Di Giacomo G., Arte e modernità. Una guida filosofica, Carrocci Editore, Roma, 2016, p.49<br />

3- Ivi, p. 47<br />

4- Ivi, p.49<br />


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