ILBS 2024 sexta edicion

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Seville is famous for many of its topics but nevertheless it is unknown in many

of its aspects. It's three thousand years of history begin as a Phoenician colony

on top of an ancient local settlement. This primitive Seville, called Spal, was a

port and a sanctuary, both vocations that will remain in different forms

throughout history.

Romanisation led to the consolidation of the city as a strategic port at the

service of the large neighbouring cities: Itálica and Carmona. Híspalis was the

starting point for trade from the interior of Roman Baetica to the rest of the

Mediterranean world. From this period interesting archaeological remains

remain as witnesses that denote the importance of the city.

The later Middle Ages will bring about a time of changes that will make the

Visigoth Ispali the religious centre of the area. Later, the arrival of the Islamic

culture will lead Isbilia to gradually become one of the most important cities in

its surroundings. It was already in the 11th century when, after the fall of the

Caliphate of Cordoba, the city acquired the status of capital and as such the

Abadí dynasty began to provide it with new infrastructures, beginning with the

construction of the primitive Alcázar. After the invasions first of Almoravides

and later of Almohades, a period begins in which the strategic position of the

city makes it accentuate its character of territorial capital. It is now when the

city will acquire the dimensions that will define it for centuries, due to the

construction of its walls, and some of its most symbolic buildings will be

erected, such as the minaret of the main mosque, current Giralda, and the

Torre del Oro .

After the Castilian conquest, Seville became one of the main cities of the

kingdom of Castile and this favoured its growth and the incorporation of new

infrastructures such as the Reales Atarazanas, the largest medieval industrial

building in Europe, or the construction of the Cathedral, a building largest

Gothic area in the world.

The discovery of America made Seville the center of world trade, turning it into

a cosmopolitan city, where people of all nationalities came together to

participate in the adventure of discoveries. Seville was the beginning and end

of the first trip around the world and the link between Europe, America and

other overseas territories.

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