Linked UP Connect 21 Devotion - The Plug - 2024

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prayer & fasting<br />

y o u t h d e v o t i o n a l

<strong>Connect</strong> <strong>21</strong><br />


Dear Reader,<br />

Have you ever thought to yourself, “If God is real, then<br />

why doesn’t He just reveal Himself? Why won’t He just<br />

speak to us in a loud audible voice saying,<br />

‘Hey, here I am! This is what I’m like!’?”<br />

If God would just let us all see Him, then surely everyone<br />

would believe. After all it’s really hard for mankind to<br />

believe in someone they can’t see or touch.<br />

Guess what? That is exactly what God did! He showed<br />

Himself and spoke to us through Jesus Christ.<br />

CONNECT <strong>21</strong> CALENDAR<br />

January 8 - January 29<br />

8:30 AM & 11:30 AM<br />



PRAYER<br />

JAN 13<br />

JAN 20<br />

JAN 27<br />

SUNDAY<br />



JAN 14<br />

JAN <strong>21</strong><br />

JAN 28<br />


BIBLE<br />

STUDY<br />

JAN 10<br />

JAN 17<br />

JAN 24<br />


Table of Contents<br />

05<br />

Stay <strong>Connect</strong>ed<br />

34<br />

Don’t Worry<br />

07<br />

God is My Source<br />

36<br />

Salty Saints<br />

11 Practice<br />

the Patterms<br />

14<br />

17<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lord<br />

is With You<br />

<strong>The</strong> Lord is my Shepherd,<br />

I shall not want<br />

39 Forgive<br />

41 Love<br />

43<br />

You’re NOT Dirty,<br />

You’re Clay<br />

20<br />

Trust is Key<br />

46<br />

Love is<br />

First<br />

22<br />

Rock Solid<br />

49<br />

Presence & Power Over<br />

Performance & Potential<br />

25<br />

52<br />

Thanksgiving is<br />

Ready S.E.T. Go<br />

Everyday<br />

Embracing Life’s Spiritual Gym<br />

27<br />

God’s Honor Through<br />

56<br />

Listen Linda<br />

His Word<br />

30<br />

Coming Boldly<br />

59<br />

<strong>The</strong> King<br />

to His Throne<br />

of Liberty<br />

32 Praying in Faith<br />


checklist<br />


Keep track of your progress by bookmarking this page<br />

and checking off your daily devotionals as you<br />

complete them!<br />

day 1<br />

day 4<br />

day 7<br />

day 10<br />

day 13<br />

day 16<br />

day 19<br />

day 2<br />

day 5<br />

day 8<br />

day 11<br />

day 14<br />

day 17<br />

day 20<br />

day 3<br />

day 6<br />

day 9<br />

day 12<br />

day 15<br />

day 18<br />

day <strong>21</strong><br />


Prayer Model<br />


<strong>The</strong> A.C.T.S. prayer model is an excellent and effective way to<br />

focus our hearts on who God is and what He has done for us<br />

before we turn our hearts to ask Him for His continued<br />

blessings.<br />

Prayer is simply talking to God, and He is not concerned with<br />

how many words we use when we pray or if we can<br />

eloquently quote scripture. Use the A.C.T.S. acronym to enrich<br />

your conversation with God.<br />

Adoration<br />

Focus directly on God, honoring Him for Who He is in our lives.<br />

Confidence<br />

Find out what His Will is for your life and pray the Word of God<br />

confidently, believing all His promises.<br />

Thanksgiving<br />

Thank Him in advance for what you believed Him for in prayer.<br />

Supplication<br />

Pray for the specific needs of others and yourself.<br />

Read the scriptures associated with each acronym and let<br />

the verses inspire your thoughts to become His thoughts<br />

(Isaiah 55:8-11). Praying scripture allows us to use God's Word<br />

to gain more confidence and enjoyment in our prayer time.<br />


“stay connected”<br />

DAY 1<br />

John 15:5 (NIV)<br />

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me<br />

and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you<br />

can do nothing."<br />

So, Jesus says, "I'm the vine; you're the branches." Imagine<br />

that, a vine and its branches—totally connected, right?<br />

That's us and Jesus. He's not some distant dude; He's our<br />

life source, the reason we're thriving.<br />

"Stay connected, and you'll bear fruit." Think of fruit like the<br />

good stuff in your life—love, joy, kindness, all that jazz.<br />

When we stick close to Jesus, we naturally bring out the<br />

good fruits. It's like a life upgrade!<br />

But here's the thing: "Without Him, we can't do squat." It's<br />

not a downer; it's just truth. When we try to do life on our<br />

own, it's like trying to charge your phone without plugging<br />

it in. Nado, zilch , nothing<br />

So, here's the takeaway for today: Stay connected to Jesus.<br />

It's not about rules or obligations; it's about a rad<br />

relationship that brings out the best in us. Let's be<br />

branches that are always vibing with the vine, soaking up<br />

the good stuff, and spreading his love wherever we go.<br />


“stay connected”<br />

DAY 1<br />

1. How connected do you feel to Jesus in your daily life,<br />

and where could you improve that connection?<br />

2. Reflect on moments when you've experienced love, joy,<br />

or kindness. How can staying close to Jesus enhance<br />

these positive experiences?<br />

3. In what areas are you trying to go it alone? How might<br />

acknowledging your dependence on Jesus bring a<br />

positive shift to those areas?<br />


BRIAN<br />

“god is my source”<br />

DAY 2<br />

Psalm 23 NLT<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Lord is my shepherd;<br />

I have all that I need.<br />

He lets me rest in green meadows;<br />

he leads me beside peaceful streams.<br />

He renews my strength.<br />

He guides me along right paths,<br />

bringing honor to his name.<br />

Even when I walk<br />

through the darkest valley,[a]<br />

I will not be afraid,<br />

for you are close beside me.<br />

Your rod and your staff<br />

protect and comfort me.<br />

You prepare a feast for me<br />

in the presence of my enemies.<br />

You honor me by anointing my head with oil.<br />

My cup overflows with blessings.<br />

Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me<br />

all the days of my life,<br />

and I will live in the house of the Lord Forever.”<br />


“god is my source”<br />

DAY 2<br />

God’s plan has always been for us to completely depend<br />

on him to protect us, to provide for us, and be our source<br />

for everything we need. When we recognize and depend<br />

on Him as our source then we have an assurance from<br />

God that what we need will be provided, and that<br />

assurance in Him produces a peaceful rest for us.<br />

It’s those times that we don’t depend on God as our<br />

source that we find ourselves in despair. That’s what<br />

happened to Adam and Eve in the garden. When they<br />

were in the garden, and the serpent came, he convinced<br />

them that they could be like God and would no longer<br />

need to depend on Him as their source. Falling into that<br />

deception separated from God, and that separation<br />

caused them to become fearful and ashamed. <strong>The</strong>y hid<br />

from God in fear and covered themselves in shame. That<br />

same temptation that caused Adam and Eve to become<br />

deceived and to sin against God is running rampant in<br />

our world today. Many people no longer acknowledge<br />

God as the creator of all things. Instead they look to<br />

other ideals, or even worse, themselves, as their own<br />

source. This is a very dangerous trap that is easy to fall<br />

into if we’re not careful and focused on remaining<br />

humble before God and developing our understanding<br />

of who He is.<br />


“god is my source”<br />

DAY 2<br />

You may be having challenges in school or in your<br />

family. Or things may be great in both of these areas of<br />

your life. In either situation, God is with you. If you are in<br />

a dark place, God says that he is with you and you don’t<br />

have to be afraid (Ps. 23:4). When you’re in a very<br />

peaceful or prosperous place it is because God is your<br />

shepherd and has led you to that place of peace and<br />

prosperity(Ps. 23:1-2). It is important that we always<br />

acknowledge God, and look to God as our source of<br />

peace, provision, and protection no matter where we<br />

find ourselves. We do that by practicing gratitude for all<br />

He has done for us, by reading His word so that we can<br />

know who He is and all that He has promised us, and by<br />

getting into His presence on a daily basis - focusing our<br />

perspective on Him more than our daily life.<br />



DAY 2<br />

1. In what ways have you seen God protect, provide, or<br />

give you peace in your own life?<br />

2. How do you think people become deceived into not<br />

recognizing that God is their source?<br />

3. How can you do a better job of focusing your attention<br />

on God more than your own life?<br />


BRIAN<br />

"practice the patterns"<br />

DAY 3<br />

2 Timothy 1:13-14 NLT<br />

“Hold on to the pattern of wholesome teaching you<br />

learned from me—a pattern shaped by the faith and love<br />

that you have in Christ Jesus. Through the power of the<br />

Holy Spirit who lives within us, carefully guard the<br />

precious truth that has been entrusted to you.”<br />

If you have ever watched a drummer, or any musician,<br />

who plays really well, then you are watching a person<br />

who has practiced the same patterns over and over until<br />

they mastered those patterns. <strong>The</strong>y can play those<br />

patterns at very slow tempos and at very fast tempos.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y have spent time committing those patterns to<br />

memory until they become like second nature.<br />

That is how we need to treat the things of God - prayer,<br />

study of the word, faith, love, giving, and many other<br />

principles. We have to practice these patterns and<br />

make them part of our everyday lives. Like musicians<br />

who perform on stage, everyday that you wake up you<br />

are on a stage - not performing, but living - and living<br />

out the things of God should become like second nature.<br />



DAY 3<br />

A musician who is well rehearsed can play an instrument<br />

skillfully and confidently because they have spent time<br />

practicing and preparing. That is how we need to be as<br />

well - confident in our faith, and able to skillfully share<br />

the word of God with others. How do we do this? Verse 14<br />

tells that it is through the Holy Spirit who lives within us.<br />

Allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you through the Word of<br />

God and in your prayer time. He will help you to<br />

understand the scriptures and to boldly share the<br />

Gospel with your peers, and pray for them.<br />

When we don’t practice the patterns of prayer and Bible<br />

study and depend on the Holy Spirit to empower us,<br />

that’s when we find ourselves having a lack of<br />

confidence. So we should be spending time in <strong>The</strong> Word,<br />

and in prayer, and allowing the Holy Spirit to teach us,<br />

but also practicing depending on the power of the Holy<br />

Spirit to empower us to live this life and to serve and<br />

minister to others.<br />



DAY 3<br />

1. In addition to prayer and studying the Word, what<br />

additional patterns can you practice to be a better<br />

disciple of Christ?<br />

2. What areas do you need to depend on the Holy Spirit<br />

to help you be better in?<br />

3. How confident are you sharing the Gospel and praying<br />

for others? How can you become more comfortable?<br />


BRIAN<br />


DAY 4<br />

Judges 6:11-16 NKJV<br />

“Now the Angel of the Lord came and sat under the<br />

terebinth tree which was in Ophrah, which belonged to<br />

Joash the Abiezrite, while his son Gideon threshed wheat<br />

in the winepress, in order to hide it from the Midianites.<br />

And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to<br />

him, “<strong>The</strong> Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!”<br />

Gideon said to Him, “O my lord, if the Lord is with us, why<br />

then has all this happened to us? And where are all His<br />

miracles which our fathers told us about, saying, ‘Did not<br />

the Lord bring us up from Egypt?’ But now the Lord has<br />

forsaken us and delivered us into the hands of the<br />

Midianites.” <strong>The</strong>n the Lord turned to him and said, “Go in<br />

this might of yours, and you shall save Israel from the<br />

hand of the Midianites. Have I not sent you?” So he said<br />

to Him, “O my Lord, how can I save Israel? Indeed my<br />

clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in<br />

my father’s house.” And the Lord said to him, “Surely I will<br />

be with you, and you shall defeat the Midianites as one<br />

man.”<br />

Have you ever had someone that kept trying you, or a<br />

situation that kept “beating” you up repeatedly. Well in<br />

the Bible, the Israelites had a lot of people trying them.<br />

You could even say that they got bullied a lot, but<br />

because they were God’s chosen people, they triumphed<br />

over all of their enemies in the end.<br />


“the lord is with you”<br />

DAY 4<br />

That’s what we see about to happen in this passage.<br />

God sent an angel to tell Gideon that he would be able<br />

to defeat their enemy, the Midianites. It’s important to<br />

note at the end of verse 11, the angel calls Gideon,<br />

“mighty man of valor”. Also notice that before he calls<br />

him that, he says, “<strong>The</strong> Lord is with you”. Notice again in<br />

verse 16, <strong>The</strong> Lord says, “Surely I will be with you, and you<br />

shall defeat the Midianites…”.<br />

Much like the Israelites, we face many enemies in our<br />

lives, and we may feel overwhelmed like Gideon was in<br />

verse 15 - thinking that we don’t come from a strong<br />

family or have a strong background. We may even feel<br />

unequipped or unqualified to face certain challenges we<br />

come up against. Maybe it’s that we don’t feel smart<br />

enough, or pretty enough, or whatever limitations we see<br />

in ourselves.<br />

That’s the problem. When we look at ourselves we see<br />

our limitations, but we should learn to see ourselves<br />

based on what God has called us. And more importantly<br />

than that, we should become more aware of the fact<br />

that <strong>The</strong> Lord is with us. Any time that God told the<br />

Israelites, “Surely I will be with you, and you shall<br />

defeat….”, that is exactly what happened. <strong>The</strong>y won<br />

those battles every time. So we can depend on God just<br />

like the Israelites did. You can defeat every battle in your<br />

life because the <strong>The</strong> Lord is with you and has called you<br />

Victorious!<br />


“the lord is with you”<br />

DAY 4<br />

1. In what ways do you find yourself in this passage of<br />

scripture?<br />

2. What areas of your life do you need to begin to<br />

change how you see yourself? How does God see you in<br />

that area?<br />

3. How can we know that <strong>The</strong> Lord is with us?<br />



"the lord is my shepherd,<br />

I shall not want"<br />

DAY 5<br />

Psalm 23 NLT<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Lord is my shepherd;<br />

I have all that I need.<br />

He lets me rest in green meadows;<br />

he leads me beside peaceful streams.<br />

He renews my strength.<br />

He guides me along right paths,<br />

bringing honor to his name.<br />

Even when I walk<br />

through the darkest valley,[a]<br />

I will not be afraid,<br />

for you are close beside me.<br />

Your rod and your staff<br />

protect and comfort me.<br />

You prepare a feast for me<br />

in the presence of my enemies.<br />

You honor me by anointing my head with oil.<br />

My cup overflows with blessings.<br />

Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me<br />

all the days of my life,<br />

and I will live in the house of the Lord Forever.”<br />



"the lord is my shepherd,<br />

I shall not want"<br />

DAY 5<br />

We can believe that we can find safety in the arms of the<br />

father, even in scary and unknown times in our walks.<br />

Our greatest need is going before the Lord and asking<br />

him to remind us who He is. In this scripture above we<br />

see that is says God is our shepherd. Understanding<br />

what that truly means is first identifying the qualities that<br />

a shepherd holds.<br />

Loves his sheep and develops a close, intimate<br />

relationship with them so that they know his voice and<br />

trust him.<br />

Understands the needs of the sheep better than they do.<br />

Understands what threatens sheep and what makes<br />

them sick.<br />

Works tirelessly to provide protection and security.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se are the same qualities that Jesus displays having<br />

personal relationships with him. We can find that all of<br />

our needs are supplied by the Lord, our shepherd and<br />

that we can go to him about everything!<br />


"the lord is my shepherd,<br />

I shall not want"<br />

DAY 5<br />

1. What did you take away from this demo?<br />

2. Have you identified any of these qualities with your<br />

relationship with the Lord and if so which ones?<br />

3. How do you think these qualities that Jesus holds will<br />

impact your walk and relationship with Him?<br />



“trust is key”<br />

DAY 6<br />

Proverbs 3:5-6<br />

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your<br />

own understanding and he will direct your path.”<br />

It is advised to us believers to trust in the Lord. It is within our<br />

human nature that we will ultimately put our trust in<br />

something or someone or even ourselves. Here Solomon tells<br />

us to trust in the Lord Yahweh. With “all of our heart” when we<br />

try to trust in something else and trust in God, we ultimately<br />

fail at truly trusting in the Lord fully. With doing these things<br />

that means also putting away Our own understanding and<br />

instead trusting and leaning on God to guide us. With this we<br />

will learn to honor and acknowledge God and we can<br />

practice this by inviting the Lord into our everyday lives and<br />

we can find that God will directs our paths.<br />


“trust is key”<br />

DAY 6<br />

1. What did you take away from this demo?<br />

2. What has been the most challenging part of trusting<br />

God in all areas of your life?<br />

3. Have you ever given something so big to God and He<br />

blew your mind with the outcome and if so how did that<br />

make you feel?<br />


“rock solid”<br />

DAY 7<br />

Matthew 7: 24-29<br />

"<strong>The</strong>refore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and<br />

does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his<br />

house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods<br />

came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and<br />

it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.<br />

But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does<br />

not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his<br />

house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods<br />

came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and<br />

it fell. And great was its fall. And so it was, when Jesus<br />

had ended these sayings, that the people were<br />

astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one<br />

having authority, and not as the scribes."<br />

With so much authority Jesus makes it very clear about<br />

how we are to respond to His teachings. When we<br />

respond to them in ways that we make them a part of<br />

our lives and we seek through Him to truly live by them,<br />

we are like someone who builds their home on a<br />

foundation that is sturdy and safe. When we only hear<br />

the word of God but we don’t respond to it we are like<br />

someone who builds their house on unstable sand. Think<br />

about those two foundations and about how Jesus uses<br />

this metaphor.<br />


“Can they see God IN you?”<br />

DAY 7<br />

In that same breath, he is also discussing the constant<br />

battle he sees between fulfilling the flesh and walking<br />

with Christ. He is urging the Philippians to do whatever<br />

they can, no matter the circumstances, to conduct<br />

themselves in a manner that is WORTHY of the sacrifice<br />

God made by giving us, Christ.<br />

Although we are being watched by the world around us,<br />

we should behave in this manner even if no one is<br />

around to see it. We even must challenge ourselves to<br />

walk in integrity despite the flaws within those claiming<br />

to be “Kingdom kids.”<br />

1. What did you take away from the scripture?<br />

2. What are some of the things that you’re connected to<br />

that is hindering a feel connection to the true vine?<br />


“Can they see God IN you?”<br />

DAY 7<br />

3. What are some behaviors that you feel you need to<br />

change to conduct yourself in a manner that is worthy of<br />

this gospel?<br />

Prayer<br />

Father God, thank you for the ultimate sacrifice of Christ<br />

Jesus and all that it represents in my life. Thank you for<br />

repentance and the opportunity to continue to praise<br />

your name. Father, may I open my eyes and realize that<br />

you are always watching, and because of this, may I do<br />

my best to always please you. Lord, I pray that I find<br />

myself deep in the integrity that it takes to always<br />

conduct myself in a manner worthy of your sacrifice. In<br />

Jesus’ name, Amen.<br />



"thanksgiving is everyday"<br />

DAY 8<br />

1 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 5:17<br />

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all<br />

circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus<br />

for you.”<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many times and you possibly have<br />

experienced it, where we think prayer has to look a<br />

certain way or it has to be in a certain time frame, and it<br />

doesn’t. Pray without ceasing means that prayer doesn’t<br />

have to stop when we open our eyes or when we unfold<br />

our hands- praying means to be in constant<br />

communication with our father. Think of him like a best<br />

friend that you can talk to on the phone for hours. <strong>The</strong><br />

time, place, voice doesn’t bring the significance of<br />

prayer- the significance is just simply going to God<br />

about absolutely everything throughout our day.<br />

1. What did you take away from the scripture above?<br />


“thanksgiving is everyday”<br />

DAY 8<br />

1. How do you think having this new perspective about<br />

prayer will change your prayer life?<br />

2. What is the most challenging thing when it comes to<br />

prayer for you?<br />


BJ<br />

"god’s honor through his word"<br />

DAY 9<br />

John 8:48-55<br />

"<strong>The</strong>n the Jews answered and said to Him, “Do we not say<br />

rightly that You are a Samaritan and have a demon?”49<br />

Jesus answered, “I do not have a demon; but I honor My<br />

Father, and you dishonor Me. And I do not seek My own<br />

glory; there is One who seeks and judges. 51 Most<br />

assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall<br />

never see death.” <strong>The</strong>n the Jews said to Him, “Now we<br />

know that You have a demon! Abraham is dead, and the<br />

prophets; and You say, ‘If anyone keeps My word he shall<br />

never taste death.’ Are You greater than our father<br />

Abraham, who is dead? And the prophets are dead. Who<br />

do You make Yourself out to be?” Jesus answered, “If I<br />

honor Myself, My honor is nothing. It is My Father who<br />

honors Me, of whom you say that He is your God. Yet you<br />

have not known Him, but I know Him. And if I say, ‘I do not<br />

know Him,’ I shall be a liar like you; but I do know Him and<br />

keep His word.”<br />

Honor (verb): to regard with great respect.<br />

In John 8 Jesus is challenged when explaining to the<br />

Jews that He is the Messiah due to where he came from.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Jews “claimed” to believe in God and the prophets of<br />

the old, but that isn’t the same as taking heed in God’s<br />

word.<br />


"god’s honor through his word"<br />

DAY 9<br />

What gave Jesus the authority to defend his faith in God<br />

when it came to his identity being challenged was God’s<br />

word spoken over his life. God’s word was hidden in his<br />

heart as a constant reminder of who he was called to<br />

be. When we combat the lies/challenges of Satan and<br />

others with the Word of God it’s equivalent to honoring<br />

God and as a reward, he gives honor back to us.<br />

1. What were your main takeaways from this devotional?<br />

2. What are some scriptures you can keep that will bring<br />

honor to God in your life?<br />


"god’s honor through his word"<br />

DAY 9<br />

3. How has God given honor to you recently?<br />


BJ<br />

"coming boldly to his throne"<br />

DAY 10<br />

Hebrews 4:16<br />

"Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that<br />

we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of<br />

need."<br />

Boldly (adverb):(of a person, action, or idea) showing an<br />

ability to take risks; confident and courageous.<br />

Most if not all of the book of Hebrews is centered around<br />

the dominion that Jesus holds. What is so beautiful about<br />

his dominion is that it was free given to us when Jesus<br />

defeated death. That’s what gives us the authority to be<br />

bold in our speech and in prayer. This requires talking to<br />

God on a level deeper than the surface, getting rid of the<br />

filter that we are so accustomed to having when it comes<br />

to talk to God about the good the bad and the ugly. In the<br />

tough conversations we have with God about our lives is<br />

where we find our answers through his grace and mercy.<br />

When you go into prayer, don’t be ashamed to show<br />

him/tell him about what you’re struggling with but be bold<br />

in your speech, ask for his help and his grace will be there<br />

waiting for you to receive it.<br />


"coming boldly to his throne"<br />

DAY 10<br />

1. How does this devotional apply to your life today?<br />

2. What is something BIG that you want God to do in your life<br />

that you’ve been too afraid to ask for?<br />

3. Who in your life can you ask yo be in agreement with you<br />

on what you are believing in God for?<br />


“praying in faith”<br />

BJ<br />

DAY 11<br />

James 1:5-8<br />

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives<br />

to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given<br />

to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he<br />

who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed<br />

by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will<br />

receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded<br />

man, unstable in all his ways.”<br />

James is the book of faith in action and the teachings of<br />

James could have been introduced to us any clearer.<br />

James (the brother of Jesus) gives us very practical<br />

advice when it comes to trusting in God. Don’t doubt<br />

what God can do, and stand firm in what you’re trusting<br />

in God for. Simple as that! This is how prayer works, trust<br />

that God hears what you are saying to him even if it<br />

doesn’t feel that way. This requires blocking out the voice<br />

of the enemy through speaking the word of God over it…<br />

even in your prayers. Today I challenge you to look for<br />

scripture that supports what you’re believing God for<br />

and the next time you start to doubt God, use those<br />

scriptures in your prayers replace to strengthen your<br />

faith.<br />


“praying in faith”<br />

DAY 11<br />

1. How does this devotional apply to your life?<br />

2. How has your faith been tested? What did you do when it<br />

was tested?<br />

3. What scripture can you find that can be used in your<br />

everyday life to strengthen your faith in God?<br />



“don’t worry”<br />

DAY 12<br />

Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV<br />

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation,<br />

by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your<br />

requests to God. And the peace of God, which<br />

transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and<br />

minds in Christ Jesus.”<br />

This Scripture confirms God does not want us to worry<br />

about anything but pray about everything. He is your<br />

friend, and he wants you to talk to Him about those<br />

things that may be interrupting your peace, or<br />

constantly on your mind. God is always wanting the best<br />

for our lives, and He will grant us peace when we present<br />

our requests to him. Each day we should focus our<br />

hearts and minds on Christ Jesus, and we do this by<br />

making our requests known to God.<br />

1. Reflect on this past week and write down any worries<br />

which may have interrupted your peace?<br />


“don’t worry”<br />

DAY 12<br />

2. Present these worries to God. Ask God to guide your<br />

heart and mind as you have been worried about.<br />

3. Now “Thank God” and begin to Praise God and trust<br />

peace has been granted over these areas.<br />


BJ<br />


DAY 13<br />

Read Matthew 5:13-16... but before reading do the<br />

following:<br />

1. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand.<br />

2. Read Slow and ensure you understand what you’re<br />

reading. (If you don’t understand write the question<br />

down)<br />

3. Find something to take away from your reading<br />

Matthew 5:13-16<br />

“Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be saltseasoning<br />

that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If<br />

you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness?<br />

You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the<br />

garbage. Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be<br />

light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not<br />

a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as<br />

public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you<br />

don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you?<br />

I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you<br />

there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open<br />

house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to<br />

others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this<br />

generous Father in heaven.:<br />



DAY 13<br />

This verse lays it all out there as it relates to the true<br />

purpose of the believer. You are here to be the salt, the<br />

light and to lead others to the Father in heaven! What<br />

does this scripture speak to you concerning the purpose<br />

of a believer? What do you think it means to be the salt<br />

of the earth and the light of God as this scripture says?<br />

1. What did you take away from this scripture?<br />

2. What are some things that can pull you away from<br />

hearing and obeying Jesus’ teachings?<br />



DAY 13<br />

3. What are some other influences in your ear that you<br />

may need to block out to really hear Him?<br />

4. What is your prayer concerning these things<br />

5. Did you have any questions about the scripture?<br />



“forgive”<br />

DAY 14<br />

Mark 11:25-26 NKJV<br />

“And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything<br />

against anyone forgive him, that your Father in heaven<br />

may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you don’t<br />

forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your<br />

trespasses."<br />

Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and yet Jesus still<br />

forgave. In fact, Jesus said, “Forgive them God for they<br />

know not what they’re doing” (Luke 23:34). While you may<br />

be faced with challenges, offended by others, hurt by<br />

others, God forgives us and empowers us to forgive<br />

others. Jesus regularly mentions the importance of<br />

forgiveness through stories in the bible, called parables.<br />

Remember the story of the Prodigal Son who misused his<br />

inheritance and came back crawling to his father. <strong>The</strong> is<br />

an example of forgiveness but also his brother’s struggle<br />

to accept that forgiveness.<br />

1. Reflect on anyone who has hurt you, offended you,<br />

abandoned you, made you angry, etc.?<br />


“FORGIVE”<br />

DAY 14<br />

2. Accept what has happened and show yourself<br />

compassion.<br />

3. Pray & ask God for forgiveness and make amends with<br />

whomever you’re forgiving. Rejoice and Praise God for<br />

the release of any bitterness, anger, frustration towards<br />

this person.<br />



“love”<br />

DAY 15<br />

1 Corinthians 13:4-5<br />

“Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful<br />

or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is<br />

not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.”<br />

Paul is writing to God’s church in Corinth, who were<br />

called by God to be his own holy people. Paul is breaking<br />

down how we should walk in love and defines what this<br />

looks like. Like the blueprint of how we should live daily<br />

and relate to each other. Our goal is to be imitators of<br />

God, we serve God and to serve God is through Love.<br />

This type of love always protects, always, trusts, always<br />

hopes, and always persevere. This love never fails.<br />

1. What are 2-3 areas in your life you can be patient and<br />

kind.<br />


“love”<br />

DAY 15<br />

2. This week, set a goal in those areas to apply patience<br />

and kindness.<br />

3. Capture and write down how this activity made you<br />

feel, or if you face any challenges with applying patience<br />

and kindness in these areas.<br />


KENYA<br />

“you’re not dirty, you’re clay”<br />

DAY 16<br />

Isaiah 64:8<br />

“And, yet, O LORD, you are our Father. We are the clay,<br />

and you are the potter. We all are formed by your hand.”<br />

You ever thought of all the mistakes that you have made<br />

and felt like there was nothing else God could do with<br />

you? You ever felt broken and or like all hopes was lost?<br />

<strong>The</strong>re have been so many times you dropped the ball,<br />

people turned their backs on you, they gave up on you,<br />

you even gave up on yourself. You are not your mistakes;<br />

you are not a sum total of all the negative things that<br />

have occurred in your life! God is the ultimate potter,<br />

and you are his clay!<br />

Look to God who is the master of everything. You have<br />

access to the person who can do ANYTHING, with<br />

EVERYTHING. Remember that he promised to complete<br />

his work in you and to open your eyes to all that he is<br />

doing. Sometimes things get hard, just like that lump of<br />

clay, it is really hard at the beginning of the process. Life<br />

and circumstances happen, but God continues to work<br />

on it, he keeps maneuvering and manipulating the clay<br />

in his hands, molding it, smoothing it, carefully keeping<br />

his eye on it to make sure nothing is missing, out of<br />

place or lacking, until it looks like it should!<br />


“you’re not dirty, you’re clay”<br />

DAY 16<br />

Over time, during our experiences with God we turn out<br />

and look like how we are supposed. <strong>The</strong> sweetest thing<br />

about this, is he doesn’t throw us away when we have a<br />

cracked edge, we are broken or have to be started over.<br />

He works with us, softens us and works with us until we<br />

become his masterpiece. But the only way this can<br />

happen is if we surrender! Our part in this, is that we<br />

have to stop resisting, being tough, running and being<br />

hard. No longer resisting is how he knows that we are<br />

ready for whatever he has for us, it gets easier for him to<br />

mold us, and if I’m honest, it starts to get easier for us to,<br />

things just begin to flow. It is easier for us to hear him,<br />

listen to him and move when he says. He wants a<br />

surrendered heart and for you to trust and put all things<br />

in his hands to take care of, casting the whole of your<br />

cares on him because he cares for you.<br />

We at times don’t think we are much or have much to<br />

offer and lack the ability to see ourselves as God sees us.<br />

But God has the ability to see what we can not see,<br />

which is why we need to stick close to him, surrender<br />

and submit to him.<br />

Let your prayer be, “God make me more like you. Help me<br />

to surrender and strive daily to be more like you, God<br />

have your way, make me more like you!”<br />


“you’re not dirty, you’re clay”<br />

DAY 16<br />

Let God mold you, smooth away your rough edges, put<br />

your broken pieces back together again. ANYTHING can<br />

become something in the right hands, the potter’s hand!<br />

Just one touch from him can change EVERYTHING!<br />

1. What mistake or hurt have you made and continued to<br />

carry?<br />

2. What haven’t you surrendered to God? Search your heart<br />

and give it to him!<br />

3. Name 3 things that you are going to trust God with<br />

wholeheartedly and not take back from him. Attach a<br />

scripture to each one to help you state grounded in it!<br />


WALT<br />

"Love is first"<br />

DAY 17<br />

Mark 12:29-31<br />

Jesus replied, “<strong>The</strong> most important commandment is<br />

this…You must love the Lord your God with all your heart,<br />

all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. <strong>The</strong><br />

second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as<br />

yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.”<br />

Jesus was asked what is the first or most important<br />

commandment of all? His response was to love Him<br />

(God) first with everything you have, then to love people<br />

the way you love yourself. How is it even possible to love<br />

God with all that you have AND to love yourself? Didn’t I<br />

just give all of my love to God?<br />

I’ve come to learn that loving ourselves as humans is<br />

quite easy and somewhat unavoidable. When I’m not<br />

loving God with all that I have, I tend to be selfish,<br />

prideful and inconsiderate of others. I want all the<br />

attention and I’m more concerned about my desires for<br />

me than God’s desires for me. My behavior is focused on<br />

pleasing me.<br />


WALT<br />

"Love is first"<br />

DAY 17<br />

But when I love God with all that I have, He gets the best<br />

of me. I give Him my heart over social media, the person<br />

I like or even gaming. I love Him with my mind and soul<br />

by spending time in His Word and having frequent<br />

conversations with Him more than I look to google or<br />

somebody who I think knows the answer to my situation. I<br />

love Him with all my strength by being thankful at all<br />

times and praising Him even when it doesn’t look cool or<br />

I don’t feel like it.<br />

It’s in loving Him that we truly love ourselves because we<br />

were made in God’s image. And no one has the power or<br />

desire for us to be well more than God does! It’s only<br />

through God’s love that we are able to love our neighbor<br />

past ourselves. It becomes a love that wants the best for<br />

them just as we want for ourselves.<br />

1. Recall an occasion and action when you loved<br />

yourself God’s way versus your way<br />


"Love is first"<br />

DAY 17<br />

2. God calls us to love Him with everything we have. What<br />

is an area in your life where you can love Him more?<br />

3. How are you loving the people around you like you<br />

love yourself?<br />


AMBER<br />

"presence & power over<br />

performance and potential"<br />

DAY 18<br />

Can you remember a time when you didn’t know how to<br />

do something that you can do with your eyes closed (or<br />

with only one eye open) today? For instance, there was a<br />

time we could not tie your shoes. Our parents had to<br />

help as we watched and learned the pattern of steps to<br />

tie those shoes on our own. That’s a simple example but<br />

it’s relatable to almost everything we learn to do in life.<br />

First we couldn’t, then we could. Another example might<br />

be a sin we used to consistently commit before we<br />

received Christ. Before the grace and power of Holy<br />

Spirit, we didn’t have the strength to overcome that evil.<br />

But thank God we do now!<br />

As we continue to age, this same process of learning<br />

and development will continue. Walking and growing<br />

with God is a spiritual journey that continues for our<br />

entire life. Today, you may play an instrument, or<br />

participate in a sport, or volunteer somewhere that<br />

allows you to use your God-given talents. It’s likely you<br />

are growing and getting better, demonstrating potential<br />

that may even surprise you at times. That’s great! What<br />

can also happen once we become proficient at<br />

something is we can begin to feel like it’s us doing it; that<br />

it’s us, in our own power making it happen. We stop<br />

seeking God as much and our thanksgiving for success<br />

in that area can become less and less.<br />


"presence & power over<br />

performance and potential"<br />

DAY 18<br />

Self-reliance, along with the stress and pride it breeds,<br />

sets in and we stop seeing the results we used to see or<br />

we begin experiencing a lot less joy in that area of our<br />

lives.<br />

Galatians 3:3 warns us about this so we can stay ahead<br />

of this temptation. Our entire life on this earth is a<br />

developmental ground for the Heavenly eternity set<br />

before us. God will continue to grow and mature us, even<br />

in areas where we feel like we’ve reached our pinnacle.<br />

Remember, God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts<br />

and His ways are higher than our ways. So, keep thanking<br />

Him and seeking Him for grace to abound in every area<br />

of your life— those where you’re aware of your growth<br />

opportunities along with those you feel you’ve mastered.<br />

Stay curious, open, and grateful—He’s not finished with<br />

you yet!<br />


"presence & power over<br />

performance and potential"<br />

DAY 18<br />

1. Read Galatians 3:3- What’s an area in your life where<br />

things are going well or you’re performing well and<br />

notice you’re not seeking God and thanking Him as<br />

much as you could?<br />

2. Read Philippians 1:6- Paul talks about the “good work.”<br />

What is the “good work” that was started within you and<br />

how do you see Him continuing that good work in your<br />

daily life?<br />


AMBER<br />

"ready s.e.t. go - embracing<br />

life’s spiritual gym"<br />

DAY 19<br />

At times, life throws us curve balls that may seem like<br />

towering walls, signaling that we don’t have what it takes<br />

to scale that wall. We can be tempted to believe the lies<br />

that we're not cut out for success, or we’re on the wrong<br />

path, or that something’s just off about us. Whether it's a<br />

clash with a friend, a challenge in a team, or a task that's<br />

beyond our current skill set, stress and anxiety often<br />

pounce on these moments of vulnerability. In a world<br />

where quick fixes are a scroll or click away, we're<br />

tempted to look for the easiest escape. We turn to<br />

search engines, seek peer perspectives in group chats,<br />

or lose hours on social media with TikTok and Instagram,<br />

hoping for a quick fix. Or perhaps we opt for a game of<br />

hide and seek with our issues, wishing they'd simply<br />

disappear. <strong>The</strong>se earthly strategies might grant us<br />

momentary ease, but let’s face it, they just can’t give us<br />

the peace and wisdom we truly long for. Thankfully, the<br />

Spirit reminds us of a heavenly approach, where not just<br />

answers but lasting grace and fortitude are found.<br />

Getting S.E.T. (Strength, Endurance, and Trust in God)<br />


"ready s.e.t. go - embracing<br />

life’s spiritual gym"<br />

DAY 19<br />

Imagine obstacles as spiritual gym equipment. At first,<br />

you might think, “Doesn't God see my struggle? Can't He<br />

just text me the solution?” But here's the thing: God<br />

knows you're set for victory. <strong>The</strong> challenges? <strong>The</strong>y're your<br />

spiritual workout routine to build you up. So when<br />

opposition hits, especially as we strive to live out our<br />

purpose, remember Jesus' words in John 16:33, "Take<br />

heart! I have overcome the world." That’s our cue that in<br />

the face of trials, we’re more than conquerors.<br />

God has designed you for success, not just in your tasks<br />

but in experiencing lasting joy while you do them. That's<br />

the goal, to be S.E.T. for every assignment embracing the<br />

“workout” with every challenge on our path.<br />


"ready s.e.t. go - embracing<br />

life’s spiritual gym"<br />

DAY 19<br />

1. Strength in Scripture: Read James 1:2-4. What personal<br />

meaning does this passage hold for you? How does it<br />

redefine your understanding of challenges?<br />

2. Endurance through Trust: Reflect on Proverbs 3:5-6.<br />

What worries normally send your heart racing? How can<br />

pausing to seek God's guidance, immersing yourself in<br />

scripture, and finding quiet time equip you to face<br />

similar situations in the future?<br />


"ready s.e.t. go - embracing<br />

life’s spiritual gym"<br />

DAY 19<br />

3. Trust in Triumph: Read and reflect on John 16:33. How<br />

does this promise reshape your view of life's hurdles and<br />

your interaction with the world? Share your thoughts with<br />

a friend.<br />



DAY 20<br />

Read Luke 9:28-36... but before reading do the<br />

following:<br />

1. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand.<br />

2. Read Slow and ensure you understand what you’re<br />

reading. (If you don’t understand write the question<br />

down)<br />

3. Find something to take away from your reading<br />

Luke 9:28-36<br />

“Now it came to pass, about eight days after these<br />

sayings, that He took Peter, John, and James and went<br />

up on the mountain to pray. As He prayed, the<br />

appearance of His face was altered, and His<br />

robe became white and glistening. And behold, two men<br />

talked with Him, who were Moses and Elijah, who<br />

appeared in glory and spoke of His decease which He<br />

was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. But Peter and<br />

those with him were heavy with sleep; and when they<br />

were fully awake, they saw His glory and the two men<br />

who stood with Him. <strong>The</strong>n it happened, as they were<br />

parting from Him, that Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is<br />

good for us to be here; and let us make<br />

three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one<br />

for Elijah-”<br />



DAY 20<br />

—not knowing what he said.<br />

While he was saying this, a cloud came and overshadowed<br />

them; and they were fearful as they entered the cloud. And a<br />

voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son.<br />

Hear Him!” When the voice had ceased, Jesus was found<br />

alone. But they kept quiet, and told no one in those days any<br />

of the things they had seen.”<br />

Can you imagine this moment? Try to imagine it as you read!<br />

Jesus’ face being altered, Moses and Elijah appearing before<br />

God, it had to be a site to see! In this powerful moment, God<br />

affirms Jesus as His Son and as <strong>The</strong> One who we should<br />

listen to even above the great Moses and Elijah. If God that<br />

Father wants us to listen to Jesus above even them, how<br />

much more important is it to listen to Him above other<br />

people and things in our lives?<br />

1. What did you take away from this scripture?<br />



DAY 20<br />

2. What are some things that can pull you away from<br />

hearing and obeying Jesus’ teaching? What are some<br />

other influences in your ear that you may need to block<br />

out to really hear Him?<br />

3. What is your prayer concerning these things?<br />

4. Did you have any questions about the scripture?<br />


ELIZA<br />

"the king of liberty"<br />

DAY <strong>21</strong><br />

Luke 4:18-<strong>21</strong> BSB<br />

“<strong>The</strong> Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me<br />

to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to<br />

proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the<br />

blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the<br />

Lord’s favor.” <strong>The</strong>n He rolled up the scroll, returned it to the<br />

attendant, and sat down. <strong>The</strong> eyes of everyone in the<br />

synagogue were fixed on<br />

Jesus is the King of liberty. We can only find true and lasting<br />

freedom in Him. Here, He quotes Isaiah who wrote about<br />

Jesus' decades before He came. Jesus declares that the<br />

liberty that the prophet Isaiah spoke about, is now here! If<br />

there is ANYTHING in your life that is making you feel heavy,<br />

stuck, and enslaved, Jesus wants to set you free from it.<br />

What is crazy is that some of us do not even realize that we<br />

are enslaved. We have fallen in love with the things that are<br />

ruining our lives and we end up rejecting true freedom in<br />

Christ for false freedom in the world. <strong>The</strong> Holy Spirit can<br />

search our hearts, <strong>The</strong> Spirit can show us where we still need<br />

the Liberation King to set us free if we would only be willing<br />

to genuinely ask Him.<br />



DAY <strong>21</strong><br />

1. Where do you still need freedom? What are the things<br />

that enslave you, even if they are things you enjoy?<br />

2. Are you willing to invite Jesus’ power of freedom to<br />

truly give you the liberty that He wants you to have?<br />

What would you have to let go of to allow Him to do so?<br />

3. What would your life be like if you walked in the<br />

freedom Jesus came to give?<br />


prayer & fasting<br />

Y O U T H D E V O T I O N A L<br />


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