The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Arcana check. If they succeed, they instantly

vanish and reappear in any other location

in the world they already know about. Your

character may bring up to five allies with

them when they teleport, but they must add

j to the check for each ally. Whenever your

character uses this talent, your GM may spend

h to have the teleportation miss the location

by a range band per h spent, or may spend

hhhh or d to have the teleportation go

catastrophically wrong (by having a character

materialize in a wall, another person, or midair,

for instance, with the awful consequences

to be determined by your GM).

Cavalier (Improved)


Activation: Passive

Ranked: No

Your character must have purchased the Cavalier talent

to benefit from this talent.

While riding a mount, your character and the

mount increase their defense by . In addition,

a Riding check is no longer required to maintain

control of an untrained mount in combat

or a similarly stressful situation.

Cavalier (Supreme)


Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)

Ranked: No

Your character must have purchased the Cavalier talent

to benefit from this talent.

Your character may choose to suffer strain to

use the Cavalier talent as an incidental, instead

of as a maneuver.

Coordination Dodge


Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)

Ranked: No

When your character is targeted by a combat

check, you may spend one Story Point to use

this talent to add a number of f equal to your

character's ranks in Coordination to the results.



Activation: Active (Incidental)

Ranked: No

Once per session, your character may use this

talent to choose one NPC of the Commoner or

Middle Class social status and reveal that they

owe your character a big favor. Your character

may use a Negotiation check to determine the

outcome of the favor (instead of Leadership).

Chapter 2: New Talents 93

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