The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Tier 4

Always Prepared


Activation: Active (Incidental)

Ranked: No

Once per encounter, you may spend a Story

Point to use this talent. Until the end of the

current round, all allied characters upgrade

the ability of their checks once.

Armor Master


Activation: Passive

Ranked: No

When your character wears armor with an Encumbrance

value of or higher, they reduce its

Encumbrance by and increase its defense by


Backstab (Improved)


Activation: Active (Incidental)

Ranked: No

Your character must have purchased the Backstab

talent to benefit from this talent.

When your character uses the Backstab talent,

in addition to the standard effect of the

talent, they may suffer strain to count the

Critical rating of their weapon as one lower to

a minimum of .

Biggest Fan


Activation: Active (Incidental)

Ranked: No

Once per session, when your character is in

a crowded thoroughfare or busy street, they

may spend a Story Point and select a single

bystander within medium range. That character

is familiar with your character's work

and considers themselves their biggest fan.

Until the end of the encounter or scene, treat

that character as a loyal ally. You may direct

them to answer questions, perform tasks, and

aid your character within their means at the

GM's discretion. However, if your character

acts against their fan's interests, your GM

may decide that the fan immediately suffers

strain and attacks or otherwise tries to harm

your character.

Backstab Talent

and Unaware targets

The Backstab talent, introduced in the Realms of

Terrinoth rulebook, is a powerful tool that greatly

captures the common theme of a sneaky rogue, so

its not a surprise that its included in specialization

trees available for the Rogue career. A portion of

the talent's description states it can be used against

unaware targets. But when is the target actually unaware?

Obviously, allowing the talent to be used every

single turn will quickly break the game so here

are some sugestions for when you can backstab:

• Against an ambushed adversary that have not yet

taken their turn in the current encounter.

• Your character made a successful Stealth check to

hide from an adversary they want to backstab.

• An allied character spends aaa or t from

a check to allow your character backstab an adversary

in your character's round.

• A Story Point was spent to rule that one of the adversaries

in the current encounter is unaware of

your character's location.

While those are only suggestions, we strongly recommend

to apply them for both PCs and adversaries.

Blood Magic


Activation: Active (Incidental)

Ranked: No

When your character casts a spell, they may

suffer wounds to use this talent to trigger

up to three different qualities or spell effects.

These qualities or spell effects must be ones

that can be triggered by spending a or t.

Bridge of Shadows


Activation: Active (Action)

Ranked: No

Once per session, your character may use

this talent to make a Formidable (kkkkk)

92 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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