The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Awakening of the



Activation: Active (Action)

Ranked: No

Once per encounter, your character may suffer

strain to use this talent to make a Hard

(kkk) Arcana check targeting a tree within

short range. If the check is successful, the

tree awakens (use the characteristic of Aymhelin

Scion, Realms of Terrinoth p. ) and

obeys your character's commands until the

end of the encounter or until dispelled. Your

character may spend a maneuver to direct the

tree, allowing them to determine its action

and maneuver.

Bad Press


Activation: Active (Action)

Ranked: No

Once per session, your character may make

a Hard (kkk) Knowledge (Academic) check

targeting an easily distinguishable group of

characters (for example members of a particular

guild or servants of a nobleman). If the

check is successful, during the next social

encounter, decrease strain thresholds of all

members of the targeted group by your character's

Presence rating.



Activation: Active (Incidental)

Ranked: No

When your character makes a check to follow

another character’s trail (whether their physical

tracks or a trail of information), you may

use this talent to add a number of a equal to

your character’s ranks in Streetwise or Survival,

as appropriate for the environment, to

the check results.

Born in the Saddle


Activation: Active (Incidental)

Ranked: No

Once per encounter, your character may use

this talent to add s equal to their ranks in

Riding to a single check (using any skill) they

make while mounted on a beast or vehicle.

College Wizard



Activation: Passive

Ranked: No

Your character must have purchased the College

Wizard talent to benefit from this talent.

Your character reduces any Miscast result they

cause by instead of , to a minimum of .

Combined Attack


Activation: Active (Incidental)

Ranked: No

Once per round, when your character makes

a melee combat check, they may suffer

strain to use this talent. Upgrade the difficulty

of the check once. While resolving the

check, the weapon gains the Linked item

quality with a rating equal to your character's

ranks in Coordination.



Activation: Active (Action)

Ranked: No

Your character may use this talent to make

an Engineering check to attempt to destroy

some sort of cover present in the current encounter

at the expense of a bomb. The difficulty

of the check is Easy (k) plus k for each

point of defense the cover provides, to a maximum

of Formidable (kkkkk). Additional

bombs can be used to add j per bomb used,

to a maximum of jj. If the check is successful,

for each s one enemy benefiting from

Chapter 2: New Talents 85

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