The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Know The Enemy


Activation: Active (Incidental)

Ranked: No

Your character may make a Knowledge (Chaos)

check instead of Cool or Vigilance, to determine

Initiative order when facing Chaos creatures.



Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)

Ranked: No

Once per encounter, your character may use

this talent before making a Fear check. If the

check is successful, all allied characters present

in the encounter decrease the difficulty of

Fear checks by one until the end of the encounter.

If the check fails, they increase the difficulty

by one instead.

of allies affected may not exceed your character's

ranks in Leadership.



Activation: Passive

Ranked: Yes

During the first round of a combat encounter,

your character increases their melee defense

a number of times equal to their ranks

in Intimidating.

Keen Observer


Activation: Passive

Ranked: No

Your character adds jj to checks to discern

another character's Motivations.

Patch Up


Activation: Active (Incidental)

Ranked: No

When your character fails a check to heal

wounds, they may instead heal a number of

wounds equal to their Intellect. Once before

the end of the session, hh or d may be spent

from a check the healed character makes to

have them suffer a number of wounds equal

to your character’s Intellect. Your character

may only use this talent on a particular target

once per game session.



Activation: Passive

Ranked: Yes

When your character makes a Medicine check

to help another character heal wounds, the

target additionally heals strain per rank of


Chapter 2: New Talents 81

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