The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Officers are trained leaders who command the troops of the Old World. While

much depends on the training and morale of soldiers, often the right or wrong orders

from their commanders will determine the success of a campaign. Therefore,

a great responsibility rests on the shoulders of the officers.

Although sometimes veteran soldiers become officers, they are usually representatives

of the petty nobility or richer bourgeoisie - apart from the priestly service, it is

one of the few opportunities for them to join the ranks of the elite.

Starting Gear

a Fine Cloak, a Sword, 3D10+30 Silver Shillings

Additional Career Skills

Cool, Discipline, Leadership, Knowledge (Academic)

Specialization Progression

Profession Prerequisites Effects


Start officer training.

Your character may spend XP to

purchase the Expert Knowledge (History)




Increase ranks in Cool to .

Increase ranks in Leadership

to .

Purchase one rank in the Coordinated

Assault talent.

Your character may spend XP to purchase

the Paragon talent.


Increase ranks in Cool to .

Increase ranks in Discipline and

Leadership to .

Purchase two ranks in the Proper

Upbringing talent.

Your character may change their social

status to Elite.

Your character may spend XP to purchase

the Imperious Tone talent.

Social Class:

Middle Class


Hu, Ha, Dw, HE, WE, Og, Gn

Talent Tree


Combat Training

Athletics or Resilience and Melee (Light) or

Melee (Heavy) are now career skills for your


tow #80


Each rank of Grit increases your character’s

strain threshold by one.

gcrb #73

Inspiring Cry

Once per encounter, allow a number of allies

(up to your character's ranks in Leadership)

within medium range to reroll all j until the

end of the following round.



tow #80

Prime Positions

When your character or their allies within

short range benefit from cover, add a number

of j equal to the defense provided by the

cover to their ranged combat checks.

tow #96




Field Commander [Imp.]

When using Field Commander, you affect

a number of allies equal to x Presence. You

may spend t to allow one ally to suffer strain

to perform an action, instead of a maneuver.


Expert Knowledge


Your character reduces difficulty of Knowledge

checks related to Military once.

tow #75

Field Commander

Make an Average (kk) Leadership check. If

successful, a number of allies equal to your

Presence may immediately suffer strain to

perform one maneuver (out of turn).



GCRB #78


Gunnery is now a carrer skill for your character.

Allies within medium range (up to your

character's Presence rating) may use your

character's ranks in Gunnery.

tow #84

Coordinated Assault

Once per turn, use this talent to have a number

of engaged allies equal to your ranks in Leadership

add a to combat checks until the end of

your next turn. Additional ranks increase range.



GCRB #75

Coordinated Strike

When using Coordinated Assault, suffer

strain: Allies affected by Coordinated Assault

add damage equal to your ranks in Coordinated

Assault to all combat checks.





Proper Upbringing

When making a social skill check in polite

company, suffer a number of strain up to

the ranks in Proper Upbringing to add an

equal number of a to the check.



GCRB #74

Inspiring Rhetoric

Make an Average (kk) Leadership check.

For each s, one ally within short range

heals one strain. For each a, one ally heals

one additional strain.



GCRB #76

Coordinated Assault

Once per turn, use this talent to have a number

of engaged allies equal to your ranks in Leadership

add a to combat checks until the end of

your next turn. Additional ranks increase range.



GCRB #75


Each rank of Grit increases your character’s

strain threshold by one.

gcrb #73


Proper Upbringing

When making a social skill check in polite

company, suffer a number of strain up to

the ranks in Proper Upbringing to add an

equal number of a to the check.



A Brave Face

Allied characters within medium range of

your character add j to the checks to recover

strain at the end of an encounter (see page

of the Genesys Core Rulebook).

tow #74

Coordinated Assault

Once per turn, use this talent to have a number

of engaged allies equal to your ranks in Leadership

add a to combat checks until the end of

your next turn. Additional ranks increase range.



GCRB #75

Inspiring Rhetoric [Imp.]

Allies affected by your character’s Inspiring

Rhetoric add j to all skill checks they make

for a number of rounds equal to your character’s

ranks in Leadership.

GCRB #78

Inspiring Rhetoric [Sup.]

Your character may choose to suffer strain

to use the Inspiring Rhetoric talent as a maneuver,

instead of as an action.


GCRB #80





Each rank of Dedication increases one of

your character's characteristics by one.

GCRB #80 tow #99 gcrb #73 gcrb #81


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