The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Old World politics is extremely complex and varies greatly from country to country,

but no matter what part of the continent we're talking about, simple people don't

have much to say about governance.

Nevertheless, there are numerous political activists in the streets calling for changes

or even to overthrow of the aristocracy.

Agitators are often well educated as many of them left, or were removed forcibly, from

academies. The most talented and charismatic of them are able to carry the crowds with

them, pouring new ideas into the minds of the masses. This usually makes them enemies

and a great threat to the state, so they are persecuted and wanted by the city watch.

Starting Gear

3d10 Silver Shillings

Additional Career Skills

Charm, Knowledge (Academic), Leadership, Streetwise

Specialization Progression

Profession Prerequisites Effects


Increase ranks in Knowledge

(Academic) to .

If this is your character's first specialization,

you may choose between Outcast and

Middle social class.


Increase ranks in Streetwise

and Knowledge (Academic) to .

Purchase the Bad Press talent.

Perception is now a career skill for your


Your character may spend XP to purchase

the Connected talent.


Increase ranks in Charm and

Coercion to .

Purchase the Inspiring Rhetoric

(Improved) talent.

Your character may spend XP to purchase

the Work the Crowd talent.

Your character may spend XP to purchase

the Ruinous Repartee talent.

Social Class:



Hu, Ha, Dw, HE, WE, Gn

Talent Tree


A Brave Face

Allied characters within medium range of

your character add j to the checks to recover

strain at the end of an encounter (see page

of the Genesys Core Rulebook).

tow #74


Your character adds j per rank of Stubborn

to social skill checks targeting them.

tow #91

Bad Press

Once per session, make a Hard (kkk) Academic

check against distinguishable group of characters.

During next social enc. decrease strain

treshold of all its members by Presence rating.



tow #85




When another character makes a check to follow

your character's trail, add h equal to your

character's ranks in Streetwise or Survival to

the check results.

[Incidental, oot]


tow #86

Always Prepared

Once per encounter, you may spend a Story

Point to use this talent. Unil the end of the

current round, all allied characters improve

the ability of their checks once.



Expert Knowledge

Select an area of expertise. Your character

reduces the difficulty of Knowledge checks

related to the selected area by one.

tow #75

Applied Research

Before making a check use this talent to use

any Knowledge skill and Intellect instead.

This may be used a number of times per

session equal to the ranks in the talent.



tow #84

Second Wind

Once per encounter, your character may use

this talent to heal an amount of strain equal

to their ranks in Second Wind.


gcrb #74


Your character adds j per rank of Stubborn

to social skill checks targeting them.

tow #91





Each rank of Dedication increases one of

your character's characteristics by one.


Second Wind

Once per encounter, your character may use

this talent to heal an amount of strain equal

to their ranks in Second Wind.


gcrb #74

Inspiring Rhetoric

Make an Average (kk) Leadership check.

For each s, one ally within short range

heals one strain. For each a, one ally heals

one additional strain.



GCRB #76


When your character purchases this talent,

choose two skills. Once per session, your

character may use this talent to re-roll one

skill check that uses one of those two skills.



GCRB #79

Quick Witted

Once per enc, after another social skill check,

make an Average (kk) Vigilance check. If successful,

add s or f equal to ranks in Charm

to the other check. If failed, suffer strain.

[Incidental, oot]


tow #98

Inspiring Rhetoric [sup.]

Your character may choose to suffer strain

to use the Inspiring Rhetoric talent as

a maneuver, instead of as an action.




Clever Retort

Once per encounter, your character may use

this talent to add automatic hh to another

character’s social skill check.

[Incidental, oot]

gcrb #73

Probing Question

If your character knows an opponent’s Flaw or

Fear motivation, when your character inflicts

strain on that opponent using a social skill,

the opponent suffers additional strain.

tow #82

Silver Tongued

Once per session, when resolving a social

skill check, you may spend one Story Point

to use this talent to replace uncancelled aa

with s.



tow #82

Inspiring Rhetoric [Imp.]

Allies affected by your character’s Inspiring

Rhetoric add j to all skill checks they make

for a number of rounds equal to your character’s

ranks in Leadership.

GCRB #78

Second Wind

Once per encounter, your character may use

this talent to heal an amount of strain equal

to their ranks in Second Wind.


TOW #92 GCRB #76 GCRB #80 gcrb #74





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