The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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How to use the Talent Tree?

In this section we introduce the rules for using

Talent Trees in The Old World: Grim and Perilous.

A talent tree is a tree comprising twenty

different talents. These talents are arranged in

a grid with four columns and five rows. Each

row represents one tier. The experience cost of

purchasing talents from the top row of the tree

is XP per talent, and it increases by XP per

row; so the subsequent rows cost XP, XP,

XP, and XP, respectively. Pathways connect

some of the talents together. You start by

purchasing any of the Tier talents. Then, you

follow the pathways to talents in subsequent

rows. You can only buy talents connected to

at least one talent you have already purchased

(except for Tier talents). Ranked talents may

be purchased additional times as they become

available on trees that have them listed multiple

times. If the character already has a ranked

talent from another tree, they still must purchase

it again and add it to the total number of

ranks to continue moving through the tree. If

the character comes across a non-ranked talent

they already have from previous tree, they

can mark it as purchased without spending

experience points.

In this rulebook, we use our own layout of the

talent cell. This is explained in the diagram

below. Note that talent descriptions are shortened

and may lack some nuances covered in

the full description. For the full description,

please refer to the indicated rulebook and page.

Shortened description

of the talent

Activation type

(Active talents only)

Mark this box when you

purchase the talent

Sixth Sense

Your character may make a Vigilance or a Discipline

check instead of Cool, to determine

Initiative order.




Talent's name

Type of the talent:

A - Active talent

P - Passive talent

Source of the talent and page no.:

TOW - The Old World

GCRB - Genesys Core Rulebook

ROT - Realms of Terrinoth

Guilds and Favors

Some of the characters, especially artisans, but

also some scholars and rogues, belong to guilds

or other similar organizations. Guilds organize

the lives of their members, look after their interests,

and get rid of unaffiliated competitors.

Some specializations, as part of their career

progression, are given the opportunity to ask

favors from members of their guild. There are

two types of favors: small and big.

Small favors are simple things that don't take too

much in effort or resources. Examples are: loan

a wagon or tools for a few hours, help to find an

accommodation for one night, loan a few shillings,

share some important news. Tasks performed

thanks to these type of favors are automatically

successful and don't require any checks

from your character.

Big favors are for complicated things, possibly

dangerous and often require effort from multiple

people. Examples are: assist the character in

combat, help to find an accommodation for days

or weeks for many people, smuggle a few chests

with illegal weapons, help a convict to escape,

loan a magic item. Tasks performed thanks to

this type of favors require opposed Leadership

vs Discipline check to convince a guild's representative

to follow your character's plan and determine

the possible outcome. After all, the task

may be too dangerous or oppose the goals and

policies of the guild.

24 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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