The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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ence during character creation, a Wanderer

may choose four of their career skills and gain

one rank in each of them.

Starting specialization

During character creation a Wanderer can

pick one of the following specializations for

free: Bounty Hunter, Coachman, Entertainer,

Huntsman, Outlaw, Ratcatcher, Riverman,

Scout, Sorcerer.

Starting Gear

If you have a Wanderer character, they start

with the following gear in addition to gear

gained after choosing a specialization: a Dagger,

a Backpack, a Bedroll, Flint and Steel,

a Waterskin.


Warriors are a broad category of people who

primarily make a living by using their combat

skills. However, they do not belong to the

army, which distinguishes them from soldiers.

They value independence and individual skills

more than regular pay and honors associated

with military service.

Career Skills

Warriors count the following skills as career

skills: Athletics, Cool, Melee (Light),

Melee (Heavy), Resilience, Vigilance. After

choosing a specialization, but before

spending experience during character

creation, a Warrior may choose four of

their career skills and gain one rank in

each of them.

Starting specialization

During character creation a Warrior can pick

one of the following specializations for free:

Bodyguard, Champion, Roadwarden, Slayer,

Watchman, Witch Hunter.

Starting Gear

If you have a Warrior character, they start

with the following gear in addition to gear

gained after choosing a specialization: a Dagger,

Leather Armor.


This section introduces rules for specializations

and professions used in The Old World:

Grim and Perilous. Available specializations

are presented later in the chapter.

There are three levels that determine who

your character could be:

• Career - the widest category which contains

several specializations. It represents a character's

job class - a broad, abstract concept,

for example a Noble, Scholar or Rogue. Once

chosen, the career cannot be changed.

• Specialization - is linked to a specific career

and focuses on a particular aspect of that

career. In other words, it represents your

character's job or role, for example Knight

is a specialization of the Noble career.

Chapter 1: Creating Your Character 21

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