The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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. Characters Can Fail

A distinct feature of Genesys is that while

characters can be easily defeated, it's harder

to eliminate them entirely. Even in more

lethal settings, character death shouldn't be

frequent. Thus, total defeat doesn't signify

the end. As in many narratives, defeated

heroes still have opportunities for redemption

and recovery.

. Players Shape the Narrative.

Players often describe the outcomes and

consequences of their characters' actions,

especially during successful endeavors.

This approach creates a more engaging

and personalized experience, as players

influence the narrative surrounding their

characters' deeds. This doesn't mean that

the other participants have to accept every

description by a player. In case of disputes,

the Game Master, being privy to the broader

scenario, has the final say.

Resolving checks

A unique feature of Genesys is that a single

dice roll can produce a vast array of results.

While interpreting a simple success or failure

is straightforward, translating the remaining

outcomes into the game world can pose challenges,

even for seasoned players. Here are

some insights to navigate this:

• Collaboratively interpret the roll. Regardless

of who rolled the dice, examine the outcome

collectively and ponder: What could

have happened? Were there unforeseen

repercussions of the character's actions?

Collaborating to deduce the implications

of dice outcomes enhances the enjoyment

of Genesys. lt also greatly speeds up interpreting

results and aids in understanding

symbol meanings.

• Break down symbols into smaller groups.

Occasionally, a check might yield results

like aaaaaaa. Typically, our

group's initial response to such a symbol

cluster is "uh...". Coming up with an effect

for this type of result is very difficult, so

we decided to partition the a and h outcomes

into smaller batches of to symbols.

Here, represents a minor effect,

while signifies a major repercussion. It's

certainly simpler to devise effects - for

aaa and for aa - than to incorporate

all the symbols at once.

• Use the tables; create your own. In Genesys

supplements (like our Perilous Locations)

and adventures, you'll discover numerous

tables suggesting symbol utilization. Draw

inspiration from them, even if it's just to

gauge the impact magnitude of a specific

symbol combination. Furthermore, jot

down your innovative ideas and revisit

them in future gaming sessions. However,

tables are not an oracle! Don't be afraid to

modify the effects to make them work better

for what's happening in your story.

• Prioritize the narrative. In Genesys, the

narrative propels the mechanics, and vice

versa. When resolving a dice roll, first consider

what effects it might have in fiction,

and only then translate those effects into

mechanics. Detailed pre-roll descriptions

are invaluable here. If you're aware of both

the character's objective and their strategy,

you'll likely come up with ideas for symbol

interpretations more swiftly.

• Not every result requires long consideration.

Gaining or removing strain is often

the simplest idea for addressing a and h

symbols. In The Old World: Grim and Perilous,

we also introduce threat indicators as

another way to spend any undesired h.

Using Story Points

During our initial, somewhat clumsy sessions

in Genesys, we didn't quite understand

the concept of Story Points, so they sat on the

side of the table, completely ignored by both

players and the Game Master. Over time, we

realized that it's an integral and very important

(perhaps the most important!) part of this

system. First, let's briefly recall how, according

to the rules, we can use story points. According

to the Genesys Core Rulebook, they serve to:

• Upgrade dice (convert an Ability die into a

Proficiency die or convert a Difficulty die

into a Challenge die).

• Activate certain abilities and talents.

• Introduce new elements into the game


206 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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