The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Collaborative Storytelling

Genesys emphasizes collaborative storytelling

between the players and the game master.

Its gameplay diverges in a few key aspects

from the traditional approach to role-playing

games. Here are some pivotal points to understand

this unique narrative style:

1. Collaboration

A Genesys session should be a shared storytelling

experience centered around the characters.

In this framework, the Game Master

acts as both the narrator and the mediator,

not as a strict judge or antagonist to the players.

Even with the Game Master's influential

position, they shouldn't impose their own vision

on players, for instance, by offering illusory

choices or fudging dice results. Instead,

they should create space to be surprised by

the turn of events, focus on managing each

character's "spotlight", and encourage players

to introduce their own plot solutions,

rather than strictly adhering to narrative

consistency. This approach can be enhanced

by making rolls transparently and collaboratively

interpreting their results.

. Narrative First

In Genesys, the story takes precedence.

The game is designed to promote collective

storytelling through character-world

interactions. This open interpretation

doesn't mean the rest of the mechanics

and rules are negligible – they just have a

lesser impact on the game than in a traditional

RPG. Players should be encouraged

to declare their intentions before rolling

the dice. Emphasis is placed on what characters

aim to achieve and how they plan to

do it; only afterward do we proceed to the

mechanical solutions.

. Dice Rolls Enhance the Story

Traditional role-playing games typically

use dice to determine the success or failure

of players' declared actions. In Genesys, the

dice primarily serve to enrich the narrative.

The outcomes should almost always be interpreted

in a narrative context. This means

we should first clarify in-game events, like a

character throwing their opponent off-balance,

and then transition to the respective

mechanical effect, such as receiving a j for

the next roll.

. Consequences, Risk, and Dice Rolls

Dice rolls are meaningful when associated

with clear stakes. They should be utilized

only when players' declarations come with

evident risks or significant outcomes. It's

important to highlight situations where

a failure not only doesn't push the narrative

forward but completely halts it. For

instance, it's redundant for a team's thief

to roll for lockpicking if they have hours

to open a lock and the adventure awaits

behind the door. In the best scenario, the

team just moves on; in the worst, they get

completely stuck. The dynamics change entirely

if the rest of the party is fending off

city guards, and opening that door is their

only escape route!

Chapter 11: Grim World of Perilous Adventure 205

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