The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Progress Indicator

Progress indicators are very similar to Threat

Indicators in their design, with the main difference

being that they are used to track the

progress of an activity and in most cases do

not need activators (apart from the effect of

reaching the last segment). On the scale of an

encounter, they will usually be filled by the PCs

decisions as well as the successes achieved in

checks. The progress indicator is a very versatile

tool, below are some ideas on how to use it.

• Simple indicator (for complex problems)

Sometimes the challenges the characters undertake

are complicated and must be solved

within certain time limitations. An example

of such a problem may be trying to get out

of a closed room before the guards reach the

PCs. This can be reflected by creating a

segment progress indicator to represent the

strength of the door. In each round, PCs can

attempt to open the door and use successes

from their checks to advance the progress

indicator. Filling the indicator before the

allotted time expires means success. Note

that this indicator should usually be related

to a challenge (e.g. Escape, Find a Secret Entrance,

etc.) rather than a specific method of

overcoming an obstacle.

• Competition Indicator

Indicators of this type can be used to present

the efforts of two groups, each of which is

trying to achieve a similar goal independently

of the other. An example would be two

groups of adventurers, each trying to find

the entrance to an ancient tomb. This situation

can be presented by two progress indicators,

filled independently by each group.

The length of the indicators may vary, depending

on the starting situation for each

team, but in the end only one can win.

• Pursuit indicator

This is a variation of competition indicator

that you can use when you don't want to

closely track the progress of the PCs' competition.

We most often use this type of

indicator to represent pursuits - hence the

name - but its application is much broader.

An example would be trying to get out

of a building when guards are approaching

the PCs. This time, however, in addition to

the usual progress indicator and time limit,

create a threat indicator that will represent

the approaching guards. Move the

indicator for each round during which the

PCs attempt to escape, and also apply the

normal rules for moving threat indicators.

If the PCs fill the progress indicator before

the threat indicator is full, they will escape

the guards. If not, well... Here's hoping for a

comfortable cell. Note that as usual, threat

indicators may have additional activators,

e.g. guards may decide to throw a smoke

bomb into the room with the PCs to slow

down their retreat.

• Tug-of-war indicator

This is a single indicator that usually represents

two forces clashing or events canceling

each other out. What is characteristic

of this type of indicator is that it can start

partially full and may represent the course

of a battle in which PCs are participating.

Filling the indicator will mean the triumph

of the side supported by PCs; reducing it to

zero - defeat.

• Project indicator

Progress indicators can also be used when

the PCs undertake a complex, long-term

project, e.g. investing in a village, building

their own fortification etc. This type of indicator

will certainly be quite long, so you

can divide it into several smaller ones (e.g.

gathering resources, organizing people,

proper construction), which can be filled independently

or where a new indicator will

result from filling the previous one, representing

subsequent stages of the project.

Best Practices and


Genesys is a remarkable game. It offers a

wealth of entertainment and crafts compelling

narratives. However, to fully appreciate

it, beyond just understanding the rules, it's

crucial to comprehend the underlying philosophy.

Experience breeds wisdom, but to hasten

this process, this section will discuss several

best practices and recommendations for new

Players and Game Masters.

204 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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