The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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ferring to stay in the safe walls of a library or

academy, but it occasionally happens that they

join groups of adventurers to find forgotten

knowledge or for personal reasons.

Career Skills

Scholars count the following skills as career

skills: Charm, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge

(Academic), Negotiation, Perception. After

choosing a specialization, but before spending

experience during character creation, a Scholar

may choose four of their career skills and

gain one rank in each of them.

Starting specialization

During character creation a Scholar can pick

one of the following specializations for free:

Academician, Agitator, Physician, Priest,

Warrior Priest, Wizard

Starting Gear

If you have a Scholar character, they start with

the following gear in addition to gear gained

after choosing a specialization: a Dagger.


Wars almost constantly sweep through the

Old World, so it is not surprising that a large

part of the population serves or has served in

the army or local militia. Soldiers are usually

well trained in combat and used to long and

exhausting journeys. Although they lack finesse,

they are solid and loyal fighters.

Career Skills

Soldiers count the following skills as career

skills: Athletics, Brawl, Discipline, Melee

(Light), Resilience, Survival. After choosing

a specialization, but before spending experience

during character creation, a Soldier may

choose four of their career skills and gain one

rank in each of them.

Starting specialization

During character creation a Soldier can pick

one of the following specializations for free:

Cavalerist, Foot Soldier, Marksman, Mercenary,

Officer, Sailor.

Starting Gear

If you have a Soldier character, they start with

the following gear in addition to gear gained

after choosing a specialization: a Dagger, Flint

and Steel, a Bedroll, a Flask.


Wanderers spend most of their time traveling

in the wild or wandering from town to town.

Sometimes they are restless individuals, unable

to stay in one place for too long; sometimes

they are people forced to travel due to the

hardships of life. However, they have one thing

in common - they can survive in all conditions.

Career Skills

Wanderers count the following skills as career

skills: Coordination, Perception, Ranged, Resilience,

Survival, Vigilance. After choosing

a specialization, but before spending experi-

20 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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