The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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of her wizard brother, the child was born

with witchsight. The brother is worried

about his career, so he asked a group of religious

fanatics to "take care of the problem".

- Renown

• By Grace: A bard who had been praising

the PCs' heroic deeds, has for some reason

changed his mind about them and started

slandering them in vile lampoons. What

can the party do to regain his favor?

• What lies in Shadow: The party is contacted

by a wizard lord, highly placed in the

hierarchy of the college. He asks for great

discretion as he explains that his college

has been experimenting with warpstone.

Not only is it illegal, but what's worse, the

cursed substance is missing, possibly stolen.

He asks the PCs for help in finding the


+ Renown

• Le Voyage dans la Lune: Some call her a genius,

others a dangerous lunatic. A mad scientist

has built a vehicle in which she wants

to send an expedition to Morrslieb to settle

once and for all the question of whether the

moon is made of cheese. Years ago she befriended

the PCs and now wants them to

perform this dangerous stunt.

• Prodigal Son: An Imperial elector is begging

for help. His only heir was kidnapped by a

band of revolutionaries who want to end the

Empire's feudal system. His death will bring

a great catastrophe to the entire House and

will entail terrible perturbations throughout

the Empire, or even incite a civil war. With

time, however, it turns out that the heir was

not kidnapped, but voluntarily escaped because

they believe in a world of equality. Can

someone as famous as the PCs convince him?

192 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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