The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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The careers listed below are available for players

during Step : Choose a Career. Each career

determines the first six career skills, followed

by four skills determined by the specialization.

Similarly, starting gear is determined by both

career and specialization.


Most commonly found in towns and cities,

craftsmen are organized into a bewildering

variety of guilds that protect their members

from incompetent fraudsters who could undercut

profits. Most of them lead a peaceful,

work-filled life under the guilds protection.

However some, bored with monotonous work,

respond to the call of adventure.

Career Skills

Craftsmen count the following skills as career

skills: Coordination, Crafts, Knowledge

(Academic), Negotiation, Riding, Perception.

After choosing a specialization, but before

spending experience during character creation,

a Craftsman may choose four of their

career skills and gain one rank in each of them.

Starting specialization

During character creation a Craftsman can

pick one of the following specializations for

free: Artisan, Executioner, Merchant, Military


Starting Gear

If you have a Craftsman character, they start

with the following gear in addition to gear

gained after choosing a specialization: Artisan's

Tools, a Dagger, a Tool Bag.


Few are lucky enough to be born of noble

blood. Destined for wealth and honor, they

tend to look down on the simple, working

people. Some of them, however, leave their

safe palaces, carried by romantic notions of

dangerous adventures.

Career Skills

Nobles count the following skills as career

skills: Charm, Coercion, Cool, Knowledge


(Academic), Melee (Light), Riding. After

choosing a specialization, but before spending

experience during character creation,

a Noble may choose four of their career skills

and gain one rank in each of them.

Starting specialization

During character creation a Noble can pick

one of the following specializations for free:

Duelist, Envoy, Highwayman, Knight.

Starting Gear

If you have a Noble character, they start with

the following gear in addition to gear gained

after choosing a specialization: a Sword,

a Fine Cloak.


Rogues live by taking advantage of opportunities

and are not afraid to bend or even break the

law to achieve their goals. Following the principle

that more people means more opportunities

to catch, rogues naturally flock to big cities

where they become experts in city survival.

Career Skills

Rogues count the following skills as career

skills: Cool, Coordination, Melee (Light), Skulduggery,

Stealth, Streetwise. After choosing

a specialization, but before spending experience

during character creation, a Rogue may

choose four of their career skills and gain one

rank in each of them.

Starting specialization

During character creation a Rogue can pick one

of the following specializations for free: Assassin,

Charlatan, Fence, Racketeer, Spy, Thief.

Starting Gear

If you have a Rogue character, they start with

the following gear in addition to gear gained

after choosing a specialization: a Dagger.


Whether they are wizards, academic researchers,

or physicians, scholars are people

who have devoted their lives to the search for

knowledge. Most of them avoid traveling, pre-

Chapter 1: Creating Your Character 19

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