The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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at an isolated village ruled by a mysterious

voice from the forest, questions arise -

Druids? Forgotten deity? Or perhaps some

dark force?

• Pilgrim: The PCs meet a lonely pilgrim

who encourages them to travel together.

Who would have thought he would try to

trap them?!

- Renown

• Defiled temple: Several years ago, a band of

beastmen raided and desecrated a secluded

temple. The army has already driven the

invaders away, but noone has dared to enter

the temple since then. It's frightening to

think what could live there.

• Night watch: The inn where PCs are staying

at night was surrounded by a band of

beastmen and mutants.The first attack was

repelled, but it's not over yet. The warband

leader gives the defenders an ultimatum:

surrender or he will burn the inn to the

ground. He promises mercy to those who

open the door for him.

• Mercy: The Shallyan convent, which runs a

shelter for the needy, has a major problem

- its wards are dying by the dozens, and the

bodies bear clear signs of poisoning.

- Renown

• Witch!: Strange things are happening in

a small village - hens have stopped laying

eggs, cows are not giving milk, and crops

are failing in the fields. The desperate villagers

have found the culprit behind this

- a witch. Thanks to the testimony of witnesses,

she was quickly tracked down and

locked up in a wooden cage. The villagers

are already preparing to burn her at the

stake, but the lord of the land has doubts.

He asks the party to investigate the matter.

• Relic: A sacred object wroshipped for centuries

turned out to be a forgery. Was it

stolen or was it a lie all that time? The local

priest calls the party for help. Where is the

original or how can he hide the truth without

being lynched by the crowd?

- Renown

• The Birth of a Witch: An acquaintance wizard

approaches the PCs with a request to

solve his problem. Due to a poorly cast spell,

a child with dark and powerful talents was

born. The wizard has located the child, but

he does not have enough strength to solve

the issue. To make matters worse, the child

is also being sought after by a Chaos cult.

• Renegade: Ruinous Powers are capable of

corrupting anyone. A holy knight, a model

of all virtues, suddenly rebelled and trusted

in the dark forces. He worships Chaos,

attacks travelers, and is a thorn in the side

of the Order. The party must find him and

punish him accordingly. But perhaps he

has some reasons for his actions?

+ Renown

• Penitent sinner: A heretic stands in the way

of the PCs. He is willing to hand over the

rest of the members of a blasphemous cult,

but in exchange, he expects forgiveness and

protection. Is it a provocation of Chaos or a

true remorse?

• Barony of the Damned: A distant barony

has closed its borders to travelers. Rumor

has it that the baroness practices black

magic, and the forts are manned by the undead.

Despite this, the inhabitants of the

barony seem to fully accept the situation.

The party is asked to investigate. What will

they discover?


Peacekeepers are parties who are concerned

with maintaining the status quo, no matter

what it may be. They prefer to resolve issues

through diplomacy or intimidation rather

than through brute force, but make no mistake,

when push comes to shove, they are a

force to be reckoned with. They are conservative

by nature, and believe in finding peaceful

solutions to problems whenever possible.

However, when violence is necessary, they

are more than capable of defending themselves

and their charges. They are the guardians

of peace and stability, and they will stop

at nothing to ensure that their communities

remain safe and secure.

Exmples: City guards, roadwardens, witch

hunters, itinerant court, trackers of necromancers

or Chaos cults

Chapter 10: Adventuring Party 189

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