The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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+ Renown

• True legends, urgently wanted: a wealthy

client offers mountains of gold to accomplish

something completely impossible,

like defeating a dragon whose existence is

highly doubtful. The client believes in the

PCs and treats them like demigods - since

they have already accomplished so many

epic deeds, what's the problem with killing

a legendary monster?

• Upstart: A certain burgher has recently

received a knighthood and a small estate.

Unfortunately, the local peasants did not

welcome him warmly, and there is a feeling

of rebellion in the air... He will need protection

and support.

The Company

The Company represents any ruthless organization

that stops at nothing in pursuit of power,

influence and profit. Whether it be a guild,

a mercenary company, a band of thieves, or

a city-based criminal enterprise, this group

operates under a code of strength, intimidation,

and cunning. Their objectives are clear

and unwavering, and their methods are often

brutal and effective. The Company is a force to

be reckoned with, a formidable presence that

commands respect through fear and intimidation.

They are not ones to be trifled with, as

they have no qualms about using their might

and influence to get what they want. Their

reputation precedes them, and those who dare

cross their path risk everything, from their

possessions to their very lives.

Examples: members of a thieves guild, racketeers,

band of smugglers, guild's armed detachment.

- Renown

• It's not your territory!: A stronger, more

recognizable group is trying to chase PCs

out of their own territory! it's outrageous,

will the party let themselves be pushed

around like that?

• It's my due!: Some "businessmen" are behind

on giving their dues to a local boss.

He wants the PCs to collect the debt - the

easy or the hard way.

• Good uncle: An elderly, kind person decided

to lead PCs on the right path. He constantly

follows them and moralizes, preventing

them from working.

- Renown

• Found, not stolen: The PCs get their hands

on easy loot, e.g. the sea washed cargo from

a sunken ship ashore. Unfortunately, it is

claimed by an infamous pirate.

• Falcons!: The barge is called Falcon and it

has special holds that make it difficult for

customs officers to search it. Officially, it's

carrying a load of grain, but several bottles

of Kemperbad brandy are hidden in the

holds. There is a need for a few crew members

with strong nerves who won't throw

their cargo overboard as soon as they see

the first Imperial patrol...

• Omerta: An honest townsman who accidentally

saw too much and told the city guard

about it must understand that he made a

big mistake. Make him an offer he can't refuse,

but he must revoke his confession.

- Renown

• It's a mistake!: One of PCs is accused of

crimes they didn't commit . Wanted posters

hang around every corner and the bounty is

temptingly high, so the party is targeted by

bounty hunters.

• Vigilante: Someone who hides their face

behind a mask decides to deliver justice

themselves, regardless of the city guards

and courts. They travel over rooftops at

nights and smashes the heads of thugs.

Whoever it is, they are after PCs.

- Renown

• Young wolves: A new, very ambitious gang

appears in the PCs territory. They have little

to no mercy, but a huge appetite. They want

to take the PCs out of business. Teach them

a lesson.

• He was a good boy: Someone had handed

over a respected member of the Company

to the guards. There are three suspects: a degenerate

mother, an envious brother and an

unfaithful lover. Find out who!

186 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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