The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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off negotiations, sneering in the PCs faces.

He entrusts the task to another, more wellknown

group. Will the PCs accept humiliation

or will they try to prove their worth?

• Someone like you: The client notices (and

repeatedly repeats it later) that they need

someone new "from outside the business."

On the one hand, they will compliment PCs

and expect them to act unconventionally,

but on the other hand, they will still denigrate

their qualifications, especially when

it comes to pay.

- Renown

• Doppelgangers: The party has become

known and recognizable, or at least everything

suggests so. Innkeepers greet them

with a bow and offer the best table or accommodation,

strangers buy them rounds

and raise toasts to PCs, women flock to

them... But everyone mispronounces their

names... Strange, isn't it?! It turns out that

the party is only similar to another, much

more famous, group of mercenaries. What

will happen when their paths cross?

• Stubborn amateur: Someone completely

devoid of the necessary predispositions

tries very hard to join the party. At first, they

want to ingratiate himself with PCs and is

persistently servile. Disdained by them, they

will burn with a desire for revenge. They will

disappear from their sight but patiently wait

for the right moment. They will appear again

at the least convenient time...

• I used to be an adventurer like you... A

grumpy old man temporarily joins the PCs.

He too, in his youth, was an adventurer,

saw and experienced everything... but all

was better in his time. Regardless of PCs'

will, he wants to be their mentor.

- Renown

• Fallen idol: The PCs have the opportunity

to meet a legendary hero whom they knew

only from numerous songs. Unfortunately,

they will also have the opportunity to discover

that the hero beloved by all is nothing

more than a swindler.

• Doppelgangers... again!: The client claims

that someone else has already collected payment

for the job that PCs did? The innkeeper

does not want to accept them under his

roof? An unknown girl slaps one of PCs? Is

someone else reaping the benefits of their

hard work?

- Renown

• Paranoia!: The group is hired as an escort

by a wealthy and influential merchant.

Nothing strange about that, but this time

they encounter a real paranoid who sees

assassins lurking behind every bush. Why

does he need such reputable professionals

and what is he so afraid of?

• Sticky fingers: The PCs are losing a few

items, mostly secondary weapons like daggers,

arrows, etc. It turns out that there are

people willing to buy those items, believing

that they are "artifacts" that gave the PCs

their abilities.

Chapter 10: Adventuring Party 185

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