The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Tier Henchmen Lieutenant Specialist


(+ Total


The party may spend Renown

to hire a minion group consisting

of Henchmen. Choose one

primary and two secondary

characteristics. Henchmen have

ranks in the primary, ranks in

the secondary characteristics and

ranks in the rest. Choose four

combat or general skills (that

are not based on Intelligence),

those skills are now Henchmen

skills. Henchmen have a wound

threshold equal to +Brawn and

equipment determined by the


The party may spend Renown

to upgrade all allied Henchmen

from tier to tier .

The party may spend Renown

to hire a Lieutenant that is

a Rival with ranks in two

selected characteristics and

in the rest. The Lieutenant has

ranks in four different skills.

Those skills may be combat or

general skills (that are not based

on Intelligence). The Lieutenant

has a wound threshold equal

to +Brawn and equipment

determined by the GM. As per

GM's discretion, the party may

choose two rank talents, one

rank talent and one rank

talent for the Lieutenant. The

Lieutenant has also rank in the

Adversary talent.

The party may spend Renown

to hire a Specialist that is a

Nemesis with ranks in one

selected characteristic, ranks

in one other characteristic, and

in the rest. The Specialist has

ranks in four different skills.

Those can be any skills including

combat and magic skills.

The Specialist has a wound

threshold equal to +Brawn,

strain threshold equal to

+Willpower and equipment

determined by the GM. As per

GM's discretion, the party may

choose three rank talents, two

rank talents and two rank

talents for the Specialist.

to provide clear guidelines as to what amounts

of money (or favors) allies will expect, we leave

this to the GM'a discretion. It is worth considering

why a particular ally joins the party and

what role they will play in it. If someone decides

to ally with a group with a Reputation for

Idealists, they are more likely to be driven by

a need of the heart or ruled by fame. On the

other hand, allies of archetypes like Soliders

of Fortune or The Company are usually more

likely to choose influence or money over ideals.

In general, we advise not to bother with it too

much and unless necessary, just assume that

allies get what they want during the course of

adventures. This avoids bookkeeping and puts

greater focus on the actual action and story.

Party Tension Meter

An adventuring party consists of people from

various backgrounds, with different goals and

social standings. It's therefore inevitable that

there will be a clash of wills, temperaments,

and opinions, leading to misunderstandings,

selfish ambitions, and disagreements. To reflect

the growing friction between members of

a party during the course of their adventures,

each party archetype has its own party tension

meter. It's a specific kind of threat indicator

and, with some exceptions, follows the general

rules for threat indicators described in chapter

: Grim World of Perilous Adventure, page

. Each party tension meter has two activators.

The first reflects the effects of increased

stress and the heavy atmosphere within the

party. The second marks the moment when

tensions between party members reach a climax

and must be defused. The party suffers

the consequences, but at the same time clears

the air. Then the process starts again.

Advancing a Party Tension


As mentioned before, the party tension meter

works almost identically to threat indicators,

with a few exceptions. First of all, the party

tension meter is never removed from the

game. Secondly, you shouldn't advance this

kind of indicator unless absolutely necessary.

Most of the time, advancements will come

from spending threats but, as always, it should

fit the narrative. For example, bounty hunter

Klaus makes a ranged check to shoot an orc

engaged in combat with Ulrika, the knight.

The check is successful, but it generates hh.

The GM decides to spend it to advance the party

tension meter by two segments, as the bolt

misses Ulrika by just an inch. Klaus' recklessness

will certainly affect their mutual trust.

Additionally, the party tension meter should

also be moved when:

• There is a major disagreement between

party members or one player acts in opposition

to the rest of the group. Clashing

views and goals can be a very interesting

axis of adventure and lead to great scenes.

The problem arises when the party starts

having unproductive disputes or begins

to act against each other and the group is

182 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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