The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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and points per session. Note that Renown

should only be awarded when someone actually

finds out about the group's actions. Good

deeds done quietly will not make the party

famous, so sometimes the increase of the Renown

will only take place after the award worthy

event has been made famous. Therefore,

parties based on archetypes with Reputation

Traits of Brave or Idealistic will have an easier

time gaining Renown, as such deeds are easily

recognizable by others, however the party will

often put themselves at risk or willfully resign

from other rewards.

Losing Renown

Similarly to gaining reputation, adventuring

parties may lose it when its members are acting

against their Reputation Traits. Whenever

this happens, the party should advance their

Party Tension Meter by at least segments

(depending on the severity of their wrongdoing).

They also lose Renown point (if they

have any) and decrease the Total Renown by

. Note that the act that causes the loss of reputation

has to be noticed by others, but the

tension increase happens independently. This

may lead to interesting stories when the PCs

did something terrible and try to hide it from

the general public, which additionally fuels

conflict between them.

Low and High Renown

Total Renown shows how famous the party

is in their field and how well known it is to

the general public. Depending on the group's

fame, both good and bad things may happen

and it also modifies the effects of some of the

party's abilities. We go into detail when describing

specific archetypes, but the general

breakdown is as follows:






The party is mostly unknown to anyone

outside their immediate environment.

This, for example, can lead to a

situation in which the team will not get

the job they are interested in or they

will have to prove themselves first.

The party is known in their own field

and its members may be recognized by

some passer-by.







The party is well-renowned and may be

offered special or difficult jobs. Party

members are quite often recognized by


The party is among the most famous in

their respective fields. Most people have

at least heard something about them.

Absolute legends.

Note that this division is arbitrary and there

may be many deviations from it during your

game sessions. For example, a party that

helped a small village get rid of orc invaders

may be seen as heroes in that particular community,

despite having only Total Renown.

On the other hand, even a legendary group can

be completely anonymous when they are far

from their homeland.

Spending Renown

In addition to raising Total Renown, Renown

points can give your team both permanent

and temporary benefits. Below are a number

of options on which a group can spend available


Purchasing Party Abilities

Each archetype has a set of abilities, similar

in effect to talents. The first, passive, ability

is obtained immediately after party creation,

the rest however, have to be purchased first. A

party can purchase a new ability by spending

the cost in Renown specified in its description.

The cost must be paid in full, but it is

not necessary to buy abilities in any particular

order (e.g. you can purchase an ability with a

cost of Renown before purchasing the one

for Renown). The party can activate one

ability per game session for free. Subsequent

activations require Renown to be spent. Party

abilities are always activated as an out of turn

Incidental, unless the description of the ability

states otherwise.

Additional Activation of

Party Abilities

Once per session, the party may activate a single

ability for free. A second ability (including

the first activated) may be activated by spending

Renown point. Every subsequent activa-

Chapter 10: Adventuring Party 179

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