The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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and take on challenges that align with their

beliefs. Their actions are often calculated

and well thought out, but they are not

afraid to take risks in the pursuit of a greater

good. Idealistic parties will earn Renown

for making selfless sacrifices, performing

acts of kindness, and using their abilities to

help those in need. They often bring a sense

of hope and inspiration to those around

them, and are respected for their unwavering

commitment to their values.

• Ruthless: Ruthless groups are known for

their uncompromising pursuit of their

goals, no matter the cost. They are infamous

for their shrewd and heartless nature, taking

advantage of any opportunity to further

their interests. Whether it's for personal

gain or to advance their plans, they are not

afraid to take extreme measures, including

using blackmail, violence and intimidation.

Ruthless parties will earn Renown for their

spectacular, yet cold blooded actions like assassinating

a rival leader, kidnapping and

ransom of influential individuals, destroying

or sabotaging rival factions' resources,

raiding and pillaging enemy territories.

Note that most of the time the Brave and Conservative

traits, as well as Idealistic and Ruthless

are contradictory, so you should not create

a party based on those pairs if you don't have a

good reason to do so.

Further explanation the of effects of Reputation

Traits are described later in the chapter.

Every adventuring party has a reputation,

depending on the chosen archetype and expressed

in Reputation Traits. This reputation

determines the framework in which the party

will operate and imposes societal expectations

on its members. For example, mercenaries are

usually expected to be brave, while bandits

should be ruthless. After all, no-one will take

a mercenary group seriously with a reputation

for cowardice, and overly forgiving gangsters

will quickly lose influence and territory. Maintaining

the party's reputation and acting in

accordance with its requirements will earn its

members fame (or infamy!), respect, and may

bring them closer to certain people or assignments,

as well as sometimes bring additional

troubles. You will find some examples later in

this chapter, in the description of each of the

party archetypes.

Gaining Renown

Whenever a party acts in accordance to their

Reputation Traits and does something big,

spectacular or something that significantly

brings them closer to achieving their goals, the

Game Master may decide to reward the party

with a point of Renown. Every point of Renown

increases the party's Total Renown and

also may be spent to activate various effects

we explain later in the chapter. It is up to the

GM's discretion if something is worthy of a Renown

point, but we advise to reward between

Party's Reputation

178 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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