The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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quality and when activated, it affects all characters

in medium range. A Lord of Change

may spend a to move any affected character

by one range band in any direction.


• Beak and Claws: Brawn, Damage , Critical

, Range (Short), Linked .

• Rod of Sorcery: Melee (Heavy), Damage ,

Critical , Range (Short), Magic weapon. This

weapon disappears when Lord of Change is

defeated. Decreases the difficulty of all Arcana

checks by three and increases the damage

of Attack spells by . Even if the check to

cast spell fails, Lord of Change treats the result

as successful with single s.

Pink Horror (Rival)

4 2 4 2 2 1

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

Soak Value

W. Threshold

M/R Defense

5 16 0 0

Skills: Combat , General , Knowledge ,

Magic , Social


• Adversary : Upgrade the difficulty of combat

checks targeting this character once.

• Conduit: Once per encounter, the GM may

spend a Story Point to allow this adversary

to perform a magic action as a maneuver.


• Chaos creature: May spend aaa from

a combat or magic check to inflict corruption

on the target.

• Daemon: Decrease the damage dealt to this

adversary by two, unless the attack came

from a magical source.

• Feast of corruption: When suffering corruption,

a Pink Horror heals wounds per

corruption suffered.

• Magical Body: When another character

makes an Arcana check, this adversary

heals wounds.

• Split: After exceeding its wounds threshold,

a Pink Horror splits into two new Daemons.

Replace the Pink Horror with a minion

group of two Blue Horrors. They take

their turn immediately.

• Terrifying: At the start of the encounter, all

of its opponents must make a Hard (kkk)

fear check as an out of turn incidental, as per

page of the Genesys Core Rulebook. If

there are multiple sources of fear in the encounter,

the opponents only make one fear

check against the most terrifying enemy.

Spells: Pink Horrors can choose any magic action

allowed by the Arcana skill and the Lore of

Chaos, and may select additional spell effects

as normal. The spells they use most often are

the following:

• Bolt of Corruption - choose one target at

short or medium range and make an Average

(kk) Arcana check. If successful, this

magic attack inflicts damage + damage

per s, with a Critical Rating and the Sunder,

Pierce and Vicious qualities.

• Gate of Horrors - make an Average (kk)

Arcana check. If successful, the Pink Horror

summons a minion group consisting

of two Blue Horrors plus one additional

Blue Horror per aa. The minion group

appears engaged with the Pink Horror

and take its turn immediately after the

Pink Horror. A Pink Horror does not need

to perform the concentrate maneuver to

maintain the effects of the spell, however,

summoned Blue Horrors disappear when

the Pink Horror is defeated).


• Claws and jaws: Brawl; Damage ; Critical

; Range (Engaged).

Blue Horror (Minion)

3 2 1 2 2 1

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

Soak Value

W. Threshold

M/R Defense

4 8 0 0

Skills: Combat +, General +, Knowledge ,

Magic , Social

Talents: None


• Chaos creature: May spend aaa from

a combat check to inflict corruption on the


• Daemon: Decrease the damage dealt to this

adversary by two, unless the attack came

from a magical source.

164 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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