The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Infected Wounds

Some adversaries have abilities that can infect the

wounds of their target, but you may also decide to

trigger infection when a PCs check generates d in

certain, filthy places like sewers or swamps. Infected

wounds are considered a Critical Injury with

severity of Hard (kkk) and the following effect:

The target cannot heal wounds by natural rest or

a Medicine check and they decrease their wounds

and strain thresholds by one per each day since the

infection started until the Critical Injury is healed. If

wounds or strain threshold falls to , the target dies.

Beastmen are a race of savage mutant humanoids

that bear various traits of bestial appearance,

such as cloven hooves, muscular human

bodies, horned bestial heads and a malign primitive

intelligence. Proud of their origins, it is said

that they are the descendants of ancient humans

corrupted and twisted by the influence of Chaos

at the dawn of Chaos's coming into the world.

Caprigor/Bovigor (Minion)

4 2 1 3 2 1

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

Soak Value

W. Threshold

M/R Defense

4 8 0 0

Skills: Combat +, General +, Knowledge ,

Magic , Social


• Bullrush: When making a melee combat

check after using a maneuver to engage the

target, may spend aaa or t to knock

the target prone and move them up to one

range band away from this character.


• Chaos creature: May spend t from a combat

check to inflict corruption on the target.


• Greataxe: Melee (Heavy); Damage , Critical

; Range (Engaged); Cumbersome ,

Pierce , Vicious ,

• Horns: Brawl; Damage ; Critical ; Range

(Engaged); Disorient , Knockdown.

Ungor (Minion)

3 3 1 3 2 1

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

Soak Value

W. Threshold

M/R Defense

3 5 0 0

Skills: Combat +, General +, Knowledge ,

Magic , Social

Talents: None


• Chaos creature: May spend t from a combat

check to inflict corruption on the target.


• Bow: Ranged; Damage ; Critical ; Range

(Medium); Unwieldy ),

• Short spear: Melee (Light); Damage ; Critical

; Range (Engaged); Accurate .

Bestigor (Rival)

4 2 1 3 2 1

Brawn Agility Intellect Cunning Willpower Presence

Soak Value

W. Threshold

M/R Defense

6 16 1 1

Skills: Combat , General , Knowledge ,

Magic , Social


• Adversary : Upgrade the difficulty of combat

checks targeting this character once.

• Berserk: Until the end of the encounter

or until they are incapacitated, Bestigor

adds saa to all melee combat checks

they make. However, opponents add sto

all combat checks targeting the Bestigor.

While berserk, a Bestigor cannot make

ranged combat checks.

• Bullrush: When making a melee combat

check after using a maneuver to engage the

target, may spend aaa) or t to knock

the target prone and move them up to one

range band away from this character.


• Chaos creature: May spend t from a combat

or magic check to inflict corruption on

the target.

Chapter 9: Adversaries of the Old World 155

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