The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Table 7-4: Magic Items

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This section covers the typical items and services

to be found in the Old World. Items

marked with (T) next to their name come from

Realms of Terrinoth rulebook and, if not stated

otherwise, additional rules from Realms of

Terrinoth should be applied.


Name Skill Dam Crit Range Encum Price Rarity Special

Artisan's Tools

- - - - - -

Barrakul Melee (Heavy) + Engaged - - Defensive , Pierce ,


Blood Drinker Melee (Light) + Engaged - - Defensive

Chaos Armor - - - - - - Reinforced

Dagger of Halflings Melee (Light) + - Accurate , Supreme, Pierce

Lantern Of Days - - - - - GC

Purse of Teeth - - - - GC

Scholar's Gloves Brawl + Engaged GC Disorient

Seven-league Boots - - - - - - -

Sword of duelist Melee (Light) + Engaged - Defensive

Trueflight Bow Ranged Long -

Cumbersome , Guided ,

Pierce , Unwieldy ,


Artisan's tools consist of everything a craftsman

needs in their daily work: hammers,

saws, pliers, etc. When your character uses an

artisan's tools, they have the right tool for the job

(as per page of the Genesys Core Rulebook)

when making Crafts checks, although at yours

GMs discretion, creating some items may require

access to workshop or smithy.

Cloak with Hidden Pockets

The favorite outerwear of fences and smugglers,

this cloak not only increases your character's

encumbrance threshold by one, but it

also helps to conceal gear. If another character

tries to search your character (as per page

of the Genesys Core Rulebook), they upgrade

the difficulty of the check once.

Gear and Services

146 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

Extra Shots

This includes additional lead shots and gunpowder

stored in spare poaches.

If your character has an extra shots, they can

spend a maneuver to replenish their firearm

when it has suffered an "out of ammo" d result,

but this consumes the item in the process.

Note that this does not replenish weapons

with the Limited Ammo quality.

Lock Pick Set

While not as sophisticated as Thieves' Tools,

a trusty lock pick set is usually enough to do

the job. When your character makes a Skulduggery

check to open any mechanical locks

or latches, they have the right tool for the job (as

per page of the Genesys Core Rulebook).

Repeater Ammo

A specially prepared ammunition set containing

a cartridge with bullets and gunpowder.

It allows your character to quickly reload a Repeater

Pistol or a Repeater Handgun and is

consumed in the process.

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