The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Chaos Armor

Identification of

Magic Items

It's one thing to find a magic item, it's another to

recognize that it's actually magical. Most magical

items look like elaborately crafted but perfectly ordinary

items. Characters with the ability to sense

magic will certainly immediately notice that an

item is imbued with power, but this is not enough

to clearly define its properties. One of the simplest

but also the most unreliable and time-consuming

ways is to simply experiment, hoping that

the object will reveal its nature during use.

Characters using the Sense Magic action may

attempt to identify the item's properties by making

a Hard (kkk) Arcana check. Educated characters,

on the other hand, are able to recognize

the item, its name, and history with a Knowledge

(Academic) or Knowledge (Chaos) check. The difficulty

of the check should be based on the item's

rarity (see Table I:-: Rarity, page Genesys

Core Rulebook). If the item has no specified rarity,

it means it's completely unique. The difficulty

for unique items is Formidable (kkkkk).

Chaos Armor is a powerful gift from the Ruinous

Powers. Usually only the most devout Chaos

warriors receive this type of armor, but sometimes

they come across people whom the Chaos

Gods want to tempt and bring to their side.

Once worn, a Chaos Armor cannot be removed,

becoming one with the body and altering

the wearer's physiology. While your

character is wearing Chaos Armor, they gain

defense, reduce their strain threshold by and

increase their Brawn rating to and soak by

. Your character also receives Dark Gift (see

page ) and gains the Chaos creature ability:

This character may spend aaa or t generated

on a combat check to inflict Corruption

on the target.

Purse of Teeth

A Purse of Teeth appears as an ordinary leather

pouch with drawstrings. However, if it is

opened and any attempt made to take money

from it by anyone other than its rightful

owner, rows of very sharp teeth magically appear

inside the purse and bite the hand of the

thief. When someone tries to steal from the

Purse of Teeth, they have to make a Daunting

(kkkk) Skulduggery check. If the check fails,

they suffer wounds + wound for each h. If

the check generates d the purse tightens on

the thief's hand and screams, 'Thief! Thief!' at

almost deafening volume.

Dagger of Halflings

These daggers were created by a wizard

known for his extremely aggresive halfling

bodyguards. The Dagger of Halflings will only

display special magic properties in the hands

of a Halfling; to other users, it simply counts

as a regular dagger.

Lantern Of Days

This seems to be nothing more than an ordinary

storm lantern, but when lit, it casts a

strong light, and what's more, it uses virtually

no oil and cannot be extinguished without

the owner's permission. The Lantern of Days

removes jj added to checks due to darkness.

(If it becomes important to determine how far

the light reaches, the Lantern of Days can provide

light out to medium range.)

Seven-league Boots

These boots are one of many artifacts created

by Stanislaus Gans - a wizard known for his

great talent and mischievous sense of humor.

The boots move the wearer exactly miles.

When using these boots, your character suffers

strain for every miles ( steps) traveled and

must make a Daunting (kkkk) Knowledge

(Academic) check. If the check fails, your character

completely misses the place they wanted

to get to. hh or d means that they landed in

some dangerous place, e.g. in a river or right in

front of a speeding coach.

Blood Drinker

Crafted with warpstone and vampire blood,

this cursed sword has the ability to drain

the life from its victims. Blood Drinker resembles

a normal sword, but, when the light

catches it, the steel seems to shimmer with a

reddish tinge. When using this sword, your

character heals wounds equal to the wounds

inflicted to their target. However, if the combat

check generates hh or d your character

suffers corruption.

Chapter 8: Equipment and Vehicles 145

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