The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Pistols are handy and, thanks to their solid

firepower, they give an edge in dire situations.

However, like any firearm, they require regular

maintenance. Your Game Master may spend

d or hh generated on a combat check using

a pistol to have the weapon jam. Jammed weapons

cannot be fired and require an Easy (k)

Firearms check for the barrel to be cleared.

Repeater Handgun

The Repeater Handgun is one of the latest inventions

of Empire's engineers. It is a bizarre,

multi-barreled contraption that spits out a torrent

of shots at its enemies. A repeater handgun

offers unmatched raw firepower, but has

an awful tendency to malfunction at the worst

possible moment. Your Game Master may

spend d or hh generated on a combat check

Table 7-2: Ranged Weapons

using a repeater handgun to have it malfunction.

Malfunctioned weapons cannot be fired

and require an Average (kk) Engineering

check to clear the malfunction.

Experimental weapon - to create or repair this

weapon, your character should use the Engineering

skill instead of Crafts.

Repeater Pistol

A Repeater Pistol is a smaller version of the

Repeater Handgun, and is fired one handed,

leaving the other free to wield a sword. Despite

being younger and smaller version of Repeater

Handgun, it has exactly the same drawbacks.

Your Game Master may spend d or hh

generated on a combat check using a repeater

pistol to have it malfunction. Malfunctioned

weapons cannot be fired and require

an Average (kk) Engineering check to clear

the malfunction.

Name Skill Dam Crit Range Encum HP Price Rarity Special

Arquebus Firearms Medium GC (R) Pierce , Prepare , Knockdown

Blunderbuss Firearms Short GC (R) Blast , Prepare

Bomb Ranged Short s (R) Blast , Inaccurate , Limited


Bow (T) Ranged Medium s Unwieldy

Crossbow (T) Ranged Medium s Pierce , Prepare

Crossbow, Hand (T) Ranged Short s Accurate , Prepare

Crossbow, Heavy (T) Ranged Long GC (R) Cumbersome , Pierce ,


Crossbow, Repeating


Ranged Short GC Linked , Prepare

Crossbow, Siege Gunnery Long GC (R) Cumbersome , Linked , Pierce

, Prepare

Dueling Pistol Firearms Short GC (R) Pierce , Prepare , Superior

Dwarf Crank Gun Gunnery Medium GC (R)

Auto-Fire, Cumbersome ,

Inaccurate , Pierce ,

Prepare , Vicious

Hochland Long Rifle Firearms Long GC (R) Accurate , Cumbersome ,

Pierce , Prepare , Knockdown

Incendiary Ranged Short s (R) Blast , Burn , Inaccurate ,

Limited Ammo

Longbow Ranged Long s Accurate , Cumbersome ,

Pierce , Unwieldy

Pistol Firearms Short GC (R) Pierce , Prepare

Repeater Handgun Firearms Medium GC (R) Auto-Fire, Cumbersome ,

Limited Ammo , Pierce

Repeater Pistol Firearms Short GC (R) Auto-Fire, Limited Ammo

Sling (T) Ranged Medium d Disorient , Prepare

Throwing Axe (T) Ranged + Short s Inaccurate , Limited Ammo ,


142 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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