The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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The hammer, the sacred weapon of Sigmar himself,

occupies a special place in the Empire's armory.

It is a weapon of choice for the Emperor's

Elite Guards and Warrior Priests of Sigmar, but

is also widely appreciated by common soldiers,

devoted to Sigmar or not. Although it requires

a lot of strength to wield it, it can be used double-handed,

which negates its Cumbersome

quality, while still a Melee (Light) weapon.


A mace is a direct successor to a club that uses

a heavy head on the end of a handle to deliver

powerful strikes. While not nearly as cheap as

a club, it's much more durable, making it very

reliable weapon on the battlefield.

Parrying Dagger

As the name implies a parrying dagger is designed

to parry, or defend, more effectively

than a simple dagger, typically incorporating

a wider guard, and often some other defensive

features to better protect the hand as well. They

may also be used for attack if an opportunity

arises. When your character suffers a hit from

melee combat check while using this weapon,

after the attack is resolved, they may spend d

or hhh from the attacker's check to automatically

hit the attacker once. The hit deals

the parrying dagger's base damage, plus any

damage from applicable talents or abilities.


Rapiers are widely regarded as a weapon

of the elite, so most of them are subtly

crafted and ornate. However, they are not

a decoration. Designed to perform quick

and nimble thrusting attacks, rapiers are

deadly when it comes to striking weak

spots on an opponents armor.


Popular among Kislevites and recently

adopted by the Empire's cavalrymen,

the sabre is a versatile weapon

with single-edged curved blade.


Rarely used by professionals, and much more

often by the peasantry. While this is an agricutural

tool, and not very effective as a weapon,

it is cheap, and when well sharpened it is

capable of delivering deep cuts.


A swordbreaker is a type of dagger that has

large, deep serrations along one side of the

blade, resembling the barbed teeth of a comb

and designed to entrap an opponent's blade, allowing

the user to disarm or damage it. When

your character suffers a hit from a melee combat

check while using this weapon, after the attack

is resolved, they may spend d or hhh

from the attacker's check to disarm the attacker.

War Scythe

A war scythe or military scythe is a form of

pole weapon that bears some superficial resemblance

to that of an agricultural scythe

from which it likely evolved. The war scythe

however, is unrelated to agricultural tools and

is a purpose-made infantry melee weapon.

Thanks to its razor sharp blade, it is surprisingly

effective for such a simple weapon.

Chapter 8: Equipment and Vehicles 139

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