The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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ever a Pierce rating between 1-3 tends to be no different

than simply adding damage to the weapon. We

try to fix this by changing the effect of Pierce quality.

This new effect should make it a bit more beneficial.

Any hits from this weapon ignore a number

of points of soak equal to the weapon’s Pierce

rating. If the weapon has more ranks of Pierce

than the target’s total soak, it completely ignores

the target’s soak. For example; Pierce

against a soak of ignores two points of soak,

but the extra point of Pierce has no further effect.

In addition, if the hit would otherwise be

unable to get past the target's soak, it will inflict

one wound (regardless of the Pierce rating).

Damaging and Repairing


Struggling with equipment deficiencies is

a common theme in dark fantasy adventures. To

better reflect it, we decided to introduce a rule

that allows your GM to spend hh generated

on a check involving the use of weapons or tools

to damage the equipment used by one step, and

spend d to damage the equipment by two steps.

Additionally, t generated on a combat check

may be spent to damage one piece of a target's

equipment by one step (two if the weapon has a

Sunder quality).

To repair a broken piece of equipment, characters

follow the general rules presented on page

of the Genesys Core Rulebook, however they use

Crafts or Engineering skill instead of Mechanics.

For ease of tracking the state of your character's

equipment, there are special die shaped boxes

in the Weapons and Personal Gear sections of

the Character's Sheet. Cover one third of the box

to mark minor damage, two thirds for moderate

and full box for major damage of the equipment.

Melee Weapons

Bladed Gloves

Simple leather gloves with razor-sharp blades

or spikes attached, designed to inflict deep

and painful cuts. Originally from Cathay, they

were later adopted by some of the Empire's

torturers and assassins. When using this

weapon, your character can no longer choose

to deal damage to the target's strain threshold

instead of their wound threshold.

Brass Knuckles

Brass knuckles are pieces of metal shaped to

fit around the knuckles. Favored by criminals,

bodyguards and bouncers, they greatly increase

the power of the punch, and are easy to

use and conceal.


A buckler is a small round shield. Due to its

size, it offers poor protection, but is very useful

in deflecting the blow of an opponent's weapons.

When held, a buckler's encumbrance is .


Simple, cheap and effective, clubs have proved

their value in numerous conflicts. However,

they tend to break easily. Your Game Master

may spend d or hhh generated on a combat

check using a club to cause major damage to it.


This traditional assassin's weapon consists

of a length of cord which is wrapped around

a target's throat that easily chokes out or entirely

suffocates them. The garrote can only be

used against unaware targets (see note on the

Backstab talent on page ). A successful attack

against a target causes them to become suffocated

(see Suffocation, Genesys Core Rulebook,

p. ). Breaking free requires an opposed

Brawl vs Brawl check, with an additional j for

each round they have been caught.


A falchion is a heavy, one-handed, single-edged

sword shaped very much like a large meat

cleaver. It's not a subtle weapon, but it's very

effective at dealing deep, grevious wounds.

138 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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