The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Chapter 8

Equipment and


This chapter includes many of the most popular weapons, gear and services to be found in the

Old World. Note that the tables of weapons and armor in The Old World also have a number of

HP, or Hard Points. This indicates how many attachments that item can be fitted with, however,

we do not provide specific rules for using item attachments - those are covered on page

of the Genesys Core Rulebook and are later supplemented on page of the Realms of

Terrinoth. Feel free to choose whatever fits best for your campaign.

This section covers the most common types

of weapons and armor to be found in the Old

World. Items marked with (T) next to their

name come from the Realms of Terrinoth

rulebook (p. ) and, if not stated otherwise,

additional rules from the Realms of Terrinoth

should be applied.

New Item Qualities

In this product we introduce one new item

quality - Parrying - and slightly change the effect

of the Pierce quality with a goal to make it

a more viable choice.

Parrying (Passive)

Parrying weapons are designed to actively deflect

incoming strikes. When a user of an item

with the Parrying quality is using the Parry talent,

they may further reduce the damage of the

Weapons and Armors


Three types of coins are commonly used in the

Empire: brass pennies, silver shillings and gold

crowns. There are pennies in a shilling and

shillings in crown, resulting in a total of

pennies in crown. In this supplement, most of

the prices are kept in shillings (s), however sometimes

you may spot the symbol for pennies (d) for

items that cost less than shilling, or crowns (GC)

for items more expensive than s.

hit they suffer by a number equal to the item's

ranks in the Parrying quality. If the user has

not purchased the Parry talent, they follow the

normal rules of the talent, but reduce damage

only by the item's Parrying quality rating.

Pierce (Passive)

The Pierce quality seems to be designed as a way to

counter heavily armored or high soak enemies, how-

Chapter 8: Equipment and Vehicles 137

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