The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Chapter 7

Social Status

In the Old World's, societies, social status is almost everything - it determines who you are, how

wealthy you are and what you can accomplish in life. It's not a surprise that most people judge

others by what social group they belong to. In this chapter we introduce rules to reflect these

complex social relationships.

Social Groups

There are four basic social groups in the Old

World's society. Moreover, beyond this simple

division, there are outcasts - those who live outside

the boundaries of society.

Aristocracy (Tier 4)

Elite of the elite. Kings, lord electors, the highest

nobility, leaders of major cults, magister

patriarchs and matriarchs of Colleges of Magic

etc. They rule hundreds, thousands, sometimes

tens of thousands of people, and their decisions

can shape entire countries. This social status

should not be available to the PCs unless special

circumstances exist.

Elite (Tier 3)

The elite social group mostly consists of the nobility,

the wealthiest merchants, wizards and the

highest ranks of the clergy. Their power comes

from their property and connections, and they

are unfamiliar with the hardships of the common

folk. Most of these people were born to be rich

and powerful, so if you were not lucky enough to

be one of them, only a brilliant military or church

career can introduce you to this group.

Middle Class (Tier 2)

The middle class, made up of artisans, merchants,

academics, some military men, and

common clergy, usually inhabit cities and other

large industrial and commercial centers of

the Empire. Although most of them were not

born rich, they were fortunate enough or talented

enough to acquire the skills that would

enable them to lead a life not available to most

of the Empire's population, and some of them

even aspire to the elite social group.

Commoners (Tier 1)

The commoners are the largest and most diverse

social group in the Empire. Its representatives

include simple farmers, soldiers,

workers, stevedores, but also influential gang

bosses or devious fraudsters. What they all have

in common is that they are low born and have

experienced poverty and the hardships of physical

work in their lives, with little chance of improving

their situation.


Outlaws, exiles, rebel wizards, mutants,

dwarven slayers and many witch hunters. Although

very different, what they all share is

a life outside the boundaries of society. Outcasts

are not a separate social group, rather it

covers all those vagrants who are unable (or

unwilling) to find a place within the rest of

the populace. While some may at times appear

as heroes to ordinary people, as a whole

they tend to be hated and feared because they

Chapter 7: Social Status 135

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