The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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A terrified character suffers strain every time

they take an action. If the action is targetted at

the source of terror, they additionally upgrade

the difficulty of the check twice. Terror lasts until

the end of the scene or until the source of terror

is defeated, forced to flee, or removed from

the scene in some other way. A character cannot

be frightened and terrified at the same time. In

such instance, Terror always takes precedence.


While the new effects of fear are a bit more harsh

than the base ruleset, we are also introducing

a countermeasure. A character that passed the

fear check may perform an Average (kk) Leadership

check to inspire their allies within medium

range. If the check is successful, for each s

one ally may remove their frightened status. If

the check also generated aaa or t you may

spend it along with s to remove the terrified

status from one allied character.

Effects of Fear

Below, we provide mechanical effects for failing

and succeeding fear checks. Remember that you

should also add narrative effects to the check,

depending on the circumstances.

• Frightened: The character is scared and suffers

from the Frightened status. This is a good

penalty for a simple failure.

Failure with a or t:

• Trembling hands: The character is frightened

but determined enough to act almost normally.

They suffer the Frightened status, but add

j instead of jj to the checks. This is a good

penalty for failure with aa.

• Heart in Mouth: The character is frightened,

but they quickly recover. The character suffers

from the Frightened status, but the status lasts

until the end of the character's next turn. This

is good penalty for failure with t or a lot of a.

Failure with h or d:

• Frozen: The character suffers from the Frightened

status. In addition, they are immobilized

until the end of their next turn. This is a good

penalty for a failure with a small amount of h.

• Terrified: The character is overwhelmed by

terror and suffer the Terrified status (instead

of the Frightened status). They also suffer

a mental trauma (see Sanity). This is a good

penalty for a failure with hh or d.

• Heart Attack: The character immediately suffers

the Heart Attack Critical Injury (see page

). This is a good penalty for a failure with

dd or lots of h.

success with a or t:

• Steady Nerves: The character keeps their nerve

and suffers no ills effects. Obviously, this is a

good result for passing their fear check.

• Stand with Me: The character's steadfast response

emboldens their allies. Any allied characters

forced to make a fear check from the

same source add j to their check. This is a

good result for passing a fear check with aa.

• Fearless: The character faces the source of

fear and finds that it no longer has any hold

on them. They automatically pass any further

fear checks from that source. This is a good

result for succeeding with t, but you should

not apply these results if the source is the character's

Fear motivation (see Genesys Core

Rulebook, page )

success with h or d:

• Adrenaline Rush: Momentary panic gives the

character a rush of adrenalin, but at a cost.

The character adds j to their next check, but

suffer strain. This is a good penalty for a success

with a small amount of h.

• Traumatized: The character keeps their nerve,

but the terror they face leaves a mark on their

mind. The character suffers a mental trauma

(see Sanity). This is a good result for passing a

fear check with d or a few h.

• Heroic Idiocy: The character initially appears

to be calm, but quickly rushes straight to the

source of fear and attacks. They automatically

pass any further fear checks from that source

and upgrade the ability of combat checks targeting

the source of fear once, but they will

fight with it to death and cannot retreat. If

the character exceeds their wounds threshold,

they automatically pass the check to stay conscious

(see Resisting Loss of Consciousness

and Instant Death, page ) and continue

the combat. This is a good result for passing

a fear check with d or hhh when facing

monsters and unnatural beings.

132 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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