The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Galloping Consumption

Episodes of a dry, tiring cough, combined

with hemoptysis, are a common problem for

many wanderers, especially outlaws, who

spend nights under the stars. Infection occurs

through contact with the blood and secretions

of the patient's body, especially in the terminal

stage of the disease. Symptoms intensify in situations

that require concentration and coordination

from the patient, e.g. approaching animals,

aiming or operating tools. Fortunately,

there are several effective herbal treatments.

A character infected with this disease must

make a Daunting (kkkk) Resilience check.

If the check fails, the character suffers a Critical

Injury of Daunting (kkkk) severity with

the following effect: the victim upgrades the

difficulty of all Agility, Cunning or Willpower

checks once until the Critical Injury is healed.

If a healer with at least rank in the Apothecary

talent is taking care of the character, reduce

the difficulty of Resilience checks to heal

this Critical Injury by for each additional

week of treatment, down

to a minimum of

Easy (k).


Lepra is a relatively rare and extremely dangerous

disease, as it does not exhibit clear

external symptoms except for non-specific

discoloration and thickening of the skin.

However, the patient suffers from sensory disturbances

and slow muscle and bone atrophy,

which predisposes them to injuries and often

leads to life-threatening wounds. Infection

usually occurs through direct contact with the

patient, their bodily secretions, or personal

belongings. Therefore, family members of the

patient are most commonly infected.

There is no cure for lepra, although some doctors

and healers claim to know treatments

capable of slowing down the progression of

the disease.

A character who has had contact with the

source of infection has to make a Hard (kkk)

Resilience check. If the check fails, they suffer

a Critical Injury with severity of Formidable

(kkkkk) and the following effect: the victim

adds + to the results of rolls determining

subsequent Critical Injuries (this effect accumulates

with the standard + for each Critical

Injury a character suffers, meaning that

Lepra increases the result of the roll for the

next Critical Injury by ).

Nurgle's Rot

Most academics and theologians agree that

this terrible disease is the work of the Plaguelord

Nurgle himself. Those infected with the

rot initially feel great. The demonic energy infusing

their bodies gives them strength, but it

soon becomes clear how treacherous this feeling

is. The patient's body begins to swell, taking

on an unhealthy blue-green color, the eyes

begin to merge into one, and an obscene black

horn grows from the forehead. While most

Oldworlders focus on the horrific physical deformities,

the soul of the infected suffers

even more, torn apart by the daemonic

creature taking over their being.

Unlike the other diseases covered in

this chapter, Nurgle's Rot is not a

Critical Injury, but a Dark Gift (see

page ) with the following effect:

the victim increases their Brawn

by , increases their Soak value by ,

and ignores the effects of any other

130 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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