The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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If your character is a Human, you may now

choose two non-career skills as per species description.

Your character starts with one rank

in those two skills.

Table 1-3: Lores of Magic

Lore of Magic

Amber Wizard

Amethyst Wizard

Bright Wizard

Celestial Wizard

Gold Wizard

Grey Wizard

Jade Wizard

White Wizard

d100 result









Step 4: Invest

Experience Points

During this step you may spend starting experience

to improve your character's characteristics,

purchase talents and increase ranks

in skills. Remember that unless stated otherwise,

your character cannot have any skills

higher than rank once character creation

is finished. General rules on how to spend

XP during this step are presented in the

Genesys Core Rulebook, page , however

The Old World: Grim and Perilous

adds one unique option - purchasing an

additional talent tree. At your GMs discretion,

you may spend XP to select one

specialization that reflects your character's

special training or background. Your character

may purchase talents from this specialization,

but they don't gain gear and

career skills and cannot advance their

profession in this specialization. If

at any point you decide to change

your character's specialization to

this specialization, apply the normal

rules of purchasing new specializations.

Ranald's Luck

If you think Ranald is on your side today, instead

of choosing a character's species or specialization,

you can roll d and compare the result with Tables

- or -. This will give you an extra XP if

you chose a character's species or specialization

this way, or XP if you chose both. However, you

must accept the result of the roll.

This XP cannot be spent on characteristics, only

skills and talents.

During this step you will determine your character's

wound threshold, strain threshold,

defense and soak by following the rules presented

in the Genesys Core Rulebook, page .

However, in The Old World: Grim and Perilous

there is also one additional attribute to

determine - corruption threshold. Corruption

threshold represents how quickly your character

succumbs to the influence of Chaos. Your

character’s starting corruption threshold is determined

by adding the corruption threshold

for their species to their Presence rating (after

spending starting XP).

Step 5: Determine

Derived Attributes

Chapter 1: Creating Your Character 13

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