The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Hand of Tzeentch: The GM picks the target of the character's spell. If the caster is an adversary,

players picks the target of the spell instead.

Overload: The character suffers two wounds and becomes staggered until the end of their next turn.

Disconnected: The character suffers four wounds and loses their magical connection. They are unable

to cast spells for the rest of the encounter or scene. Sustained spells are immediately dispelled.

Blinded: The character temporarily loses their sight. Until the end of the game session, upgrade the

difficulty of all checks twice, and upgrade the difficulty of Perception and Vigilance checks three


A Witch Shall Be Born: Somewhere in range of miles from the character, a magic attuned child is

born. The character suffers corruption.

Touch of Corruption: All characters in medium range suffer corruption.

Open Wound: Your character suffers a Critical Injury. Roll on Table I.–: Critical Injury Result

(Genesys Core Rulebook p.).

Destroyed: If the character is using a magical item, it is completely destroyed.

Laughter of Dark Gods: Add d to the character's next magic check.

Thrown: The character is moved by one range band in random direction, falls prone and suffers from

short range falling damage (see Table I.–: Falling Damage, Genesys Core Rulebook p. ).

Burst of Corruption: The character and the closest ally suffers corruption.

Nemesis: A Chaos Daemon of the GM's choice appear in the character's short range. It takes its turn

immediately after the character's turn and will do everything to kill the character.

Cursed: Until the end of the encounter, the character and all of their allies upgrade the difficulty of all

checks twice.

Windblock: The character suffocates (see Suffocation, Genesys Core Rulebook, p. ) for a number

of rounds equal to one plus their ranks in Knowledge (Chaos).

Lineage Concluded: The infection of Chaos renders the character sterile or barren. The character

suffers corruption.

The Pot: Until the end of the game session, the character is transformed into a mundane object of the

GM's choice. The object may be easily destroyed, resulting in death of the character.

Crushed: The character suffers a Critical Injury. Roll on Table I.–: Critical Injury Result (Genesys

Core Rulebook p.) and add to the result.

Call of the Void: The character is sucked into Realm of Chaos. Usually, this means death.

Magic Implements

A character with a magic skill can use an implement

to enhance magic skill checks as described

in Part III, Chapter of the Genesys

Core Rulebook. With one difference - in The

Old World setting most of magic implements

are tied to specific skills (see Table -: Magic


Holy Icon

Holy Icons are representations of a deity. Imbued

with the faith, they help the deity's chosen

to perform unique miracles. When your

character obtains a Holy Icon, the Game Master

determines one effect that can be added to

spells without increasing the difficulty. The

effect chosen must be one that can normally

only increase the difficulty of the spell by

a maximum of two.

Journeyman's Staff

These staffs are given to apprentices on the

day they graduate from a College of Magic.

They are made of a variety of materials, usually

related to the specific College, and represent

the journey every wizard must make on

the way to mastery. When your character casts

a spell while using a journeyman's staff, the

first Range effect added to the spell does not

increase the spell's difficulty. In addition, Attack

spells cast by your character increase their

base damage by four.

Chapter 4: Magic of the Old World 123

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