The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Sense Magic

Concentration: No

Skills: Arcana

This is using magic to identify the presence

and composition of the Winds of Magic. The

character makes an Arcana check. The default

difficulty of the check is Easy (k). If the check

is successful, until the end of the encounter,

the spellcaster reduces any Miscast result

they cause by for each s plus times their

ranks in Knowledge (Chaos), to a minimum of

. Before making a sense magic check, choose

any number of additional effects listed on Table

-: Sense Magic Additional Effects. These

effects are added to the check.


Concentration: Yes

Skills: Arcana, Divine

This is using magic to tap into primal forces

and shift into the form of a wild creature. The

character makes a magic skill check. The default

difficulty of the check is Average (kk).

If the check is successful, until the end of the

spellcaster’s next turn, the character transforms

into a silhouette animal. The animal

must be a natural creature, and is subject to GM

approval. Some options can be found starting

on page . While transformed, the spellcaster

adopts the physical appearance of the animal

and gains the animal’s characteristics, soak,

wound threshold, and defense. The spellcaster

also gains any of the animal’s abilities and

equipment (including weapons). The character

retains their own skills, talents, and strain

threshold. They drop any gear or clothing they

were carrying or wearing when they transformed.

If the character is incapacitated while

transformed, they revert back to their normal

form. When a character reverts back to their

normal form, they heal all wounds suffered

while transformed but do not heal any strain

or Critical Injuries they suffered while transformed.

If they were incapacitated due to ex-

Table 4-4: Sense Magic Additional Effects


Scatter: Select one Lore of Magic, all characters present in the current encounter must suffer one

additional strain to perform magic actions using that Lore.

Attunement: Spells casted by the character and any other character that casts spells using the same

Lore cannot be dispelled and are immune to Counterspell maneuver.



+ k

+ kk

120 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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