The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Gunnery (Intellect)

Gunnery is in most part identical to the Gunnery

skill described on page of Genesys

Core Rulebook. The difference is, in The Old

World setting most of the Gunnery weapons

like cannons, siege crossbows or trebuches

require an ability to quickly calculate ballistic

trajectory instead of a simple hand-eye coordination,

thus the skill is tied with Intellect in

place of Agility.

Firearms (Agility)

Gunpowder weapons are gaining popularity

on the battlefields of the Old World. They

are loud, heavy and unreliable. However, they

provide a considerable advantage thanks to

their high fire power. The Firearms skill covers

usage and day to day maintenance of gunpowder


Your character should use this

skill if...

• Your character tries to attack using a pistol,

arquebus, blunderbuss or similar, personal

gunpowder weapon.

• Your character attempts to repair minor

damage of their gunpowder weapon (see

page of Genesys Core Rulebook).

Your character should not use

this skill if...

• Your character tries to shoot a crossbow,

bow or throw something. The Ranged skill

should be used here.

• Your character attempts to repair a moderate

or major damage of their gunpowder weapon

(see page of Genesys Core Rulebook).

This would require a Crafts or Engineering

check (whatever is more appropriate).

• Your character fires a cannon or some kind

of siege weapon.

Knowledge Skills

The skills presented here are meant to replace

the single Knowledge skill described in the

Genesys Core Rulebook.

Skills linked

to the Intellect

Most of the skills are quite intuitional and your

character does not need any special training to

try their chances in most of these tasks. The only

exception presented in the Genesys Core Rulebook

are magic skills, because characters have to

purchase at least one rank in those skills to use

them. However, in The Old World setting specialized

knowledge and "know-how" is often kept as

a secret of the respective guild or university and

passed from masters to their students. Because of

this, if your character makes a check with a skill

linked to Intellect that is not their career skill or

they don't have at least one rank in that skill, they

upgrade the difficulty of the check once.

Academic (Intellect)

Academic represents a broad category of specialized,

scholarly knowledge available only

to those with some kind of formal education.

It encompasses things like biology, astrology,

history, law, theology and many other areas

of science that may seem useless to common

folk. A character with ranks in Knowledge (Academic)

can recall relevant historical events,

recognize the coat of arms of local nobleman,

identify poisonous plants or avoid breaking

the law unknowingly.

Your character should use this

skill if...

• Your character tries to find relevant information

in a library.

• Your character attempts to read a map.

• Your character tries to calculate when an

astronomical phenomenon will occur.

Your character should not use

this skill if...

• Your character needs to know something

trivial or something that belongs to common

knowledge such as the dates of popular

religious celebrations.

• Your character tries to recall something related

to Chaos or magic. That area of knowledge

is covered by Knowledge (Chaos) skill.

Chapter 3 New Skills and Rules 111

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