The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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Heart Attack

When the blood supply to the heart is blocked, it

causes a heart attack. This can happen naturally,

but also due to sudden stress, or through poisons,

magical interventions, etc. In most cases a heart

attack is fatal, however, some qualified physicians

have their own methods to at least try to help the

victim, often reaching for herbal mixtures, potions

or special techniques of exerting pressure

on the chest.

Heart attack is considered a Critical Injury with

the severity of Daunting (kkkk) and the following

effect: The target suffocates (see Suffocation,

Genesys Core Rulebook, p. ) until the Critical

Injury is healed.

Field Amputation


Activation: Active (Action)

Ranked: No

Once per session, you may spend a Story Point

to use this talent to have your character make

a Formidable (kkkkk) Medicine check targeting

an engaged character who has died within

the last round. If the check is successful, the target

character is saved, returning to life at one

wound below double their wound threshold,

but one of their limbs is permanently lost.

Willpower by one, to a maximum of , and its

Brawl, Discipline, Perception, or Survival by

one, to a maximum of .

Encouraging Song



Activation: Passive

Ranked: No

Your character must have purchased the Encouraging

Song talent to benefit from this talent.

When your character uses the Encouraging Song

talent, you may spend t to decrease the difficulty

of the next check of affected allies by one.

Lesser Caress of



Activation: Active (Action)

Ranked: No

Once per encounter, your character may make

an opposed Magic (Arcana) vs Discipline

check targeting one adversary within medium

range. If the check is successful, the target suffers

the Heart Attack Critical Injury and your

character suffers corruption and automatically

activates the Exposed miscast effect. If

the check generates d your character suffers

a number of wounds equal to triple the Willpower

rating of the target. If the check generates

dd your character suffers the Heart

Attack Critical Injury.

100 The Old World: Grim and Perilous

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