2023 Annual Report

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Notes to the Financial Statements<br />

For the year ended 30 June <strong>2023</strong><br />

Notes to the Financial Statements<br />

For the year ended 30 June <strong>2023</strong><br />

13. Leases<br />

As at the reporting date, operating lease commitments are as follows:<br />

14. Sponsorship in kind<br />

<strong>2023</strong> 2022<br />

Not later than one year 316,136 287,909<br />

Later than one year and not later than five years 615,443 104,932<br />

Later than five years 0 0<br />

TOTAL 931,579 392,841<br />

Non-cash sponsorship received from West City Auto Group (motor vehicle) during the year totalled $6,000 (2022:<br />

$6,000) and $19,167 received from Sport New Zealand (people and culture (HR) pilot) (2022: $26,833); this has<br />

been included in the Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and Expenses at the equivalent market rate for goods<br />

of this nature.<br />

15. Income in advance<br />

<strong>2023</strong> 2022<br />

The KiwiSport Regional Partnership Fund was distributed by Regional Sports Trusts with Sport Auckland contracting<br />

Primary Schools, Secondary Schools and Sports Organisations to deliver programmes within schools to children<br />

from year 1 to 13.<br />

Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa and KiwiSport funding is received by Sport Auckland in an ‘agent’ capacity as Sport<br />

Auckland cannot control the use of, or otherwise directly benefit from the funding in the pursuit of its objectives.<br />

Sport Auckland received a nominal amount towards the administration cost of the Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa Fund.<br />

The funds are accounted in the statement of financial position and will remain a liability (received in advance) until<br />

funds are distributed.<br />

17. Sponsorship<br />

Cash sponsorship received from One New Zealand (formerly known as Vodafone New Zealand) (volunteer reward<br />

and recognition programme) during the year totalled $35,000, of which $10,000 was recognised as revenue. The<br />

balance was deferred as Sponsorship obligation has not been met. (2022: $0)<br />

18. Capital commitments<br />

There were no capital commitments at the reporting date (2022: $0).<br />

19. Contingent assets and liabilites<br />

There are no contingent assets for liabilities at the reporting date (2022: $0).<br />

Grants received in advance 991,245 465,766<br />

TOTAL 991,245 465,766<br />

20. Events after the reporting date<br />

There are no significant events post balance date (2022: $0).<br />

16. Funds held on trust<br />

<strong>2023</strong> 2022<br />

21. Going concern<br />

The financial report has been prepared on a going concern basis, which contemplates continuity of normal business<br />

activities and the realisation of assets and the settlement of liabilities in the ordinary course of business.<br />

Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa 397,847 586,788<br />

Direct Fund 72,661 56,515<br />

KiwiSport 0 8,404<br />

TOTAL 470,508 651,707<br />

Sport New Zealand introduced the Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa fund during 2020. This funding is available for<br />

community-based programmes or projects delivering play, active recreation and sport experiences, which help<br />

our children and young people get active. Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa is distributed by Regional Sports Trusts with<br />

Sport Auckland contracting a variety of organisations to deliver the purpose of the fund.<br />

56 <strong>Annual</strong> report<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> report<br />


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