2023 Annual Report

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Notes to the Financial Statements<br />

For the year ended 30 June <strong>2023</strong><br />

Notes to the Financial Statements<br />

For the year ended 30 June <strong>2023</strong><br />

1. <strong>Report</strong>ing entity<br />

The reporting entity is Sport Auckland (previous legal name, Auckland Central Sports Trust). Sport Auckland is a<br />

Charitable Trust incorporated under the Charitable Trusts Act 1957 and a registered Charity under the Charities Act<br />

2005.<br />

These financial statements and the accompanying notes summarise the financial results of activities carried out by<br />

Sport Auckland.<br />

These financial report have been approved and were authorised for issue by the Board of Trustees on the date<br />

indicated on page 42.<br />

2. Statement of compliance<br />

The financial report have been prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Practice in New Zealand<br />

(“NZ GAAP”). They comply with Public Benefit Entity International Public Sector Accounting Standards (“PBE IPSAS”)<br />

and other applicable financial reporting standards as appropriate that have been authorised for use by the External<br />

<strong>Report</strong>ing Board for Not-For-Profit entities. For the purposes of complying with NZ GAAP, Sport Auckland is a public<br />

benefit not-for-profit entity and is eligible to apply Tier 2 Not-For-Profit PBE IPSAS on the basis that it does not have<br />

public accountability and it is not defined as large.<br />

The Board of Trustees has elected to report in accordance with Tier 2 Not-For-Profit PBE Accounting Standards and<br />

in doing so has taken advantage of all applicable Reduced Disclosure Regime (“RDR”) disclosure concessions.<br />

3. Changes in accounting policies<br />

Changes due to the initial application of a revised and amended PBE standards are noted below:<br />

i. Adoption of PBE IPSAS 41 Financial Instruments<br />

Sport Auckland has adopted PBE IPSAS 41 Financial Instruments in the current financial year.<br />

This standard replaces the provisions of PBE IPSAS 29 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement that<br />

relate to the recognition, classification and measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities; derecognition<br />

of financial instruments; impairment of financial assets and hedge accounting.<br />

In accordance with the transitional provisions in PBE IPSAS 41 comparative information for the 30 June 2022<br />

period have not been restated. As a result, the comparative information provided continues to be accounted for in<br />

accordance with the Sport Auckland’s previous accounting policies.<br />

There were no material changes in recognition or measurement required upon adoption of PBE IPSAS 41.<br />

4. Summary of accounting policies<br />

The significant accounting policies used in the preparation of these financial statements as set out below have been<br />

applied in these financial statements.<br />

4.1 Basis of measurement<br />

The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of historical cost.<br />

4.2 Functional and presentational currency<br />

The financial statements are presented in New Zealand dollars ($), which is Sport Auckland’s functional currency.<br />

Amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar.<br />

4.3 Revenue<br />

Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefit or some potential benefit<br />

will flow to Sport Auckland and revenue can be reliably measured. Revenue is measured at the fair value of<br />

the consideration received or receivable, taking into account contractually defined terms of payment and<br />

excluding goods and services taxes or duties. The following specific recognition criteria must be met before<br />

revenue is recognised.<br />


• Aktive funding is received in instalments and is recognised as revenue to the extent the use or return conditions<br />

have been met.<br />

• Grant revenue includes grants given by trusts, central and local government organisations and is recognised<br />

in the Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and Expense when the conditions attached to the grant have<br />

been complied with. Where there are unfulfilled conditions attached to the grant, the amount relating to the<br />

unfulfilled condition is recognised as a liability and released to the Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and<br />

Expense as revenue when the conditions are fulfilled. If there are no conditions attached to the grant, revenue<br />

is recognised at the time the funds are received.<br />


• Interest is recognised as it accrues using the effective interest method. The effective interest rate is the rate<br />

that exactly discounts the estimated future cash payments or receipts over the expected life of the financial<br />

instrument or a shorter period, where appropriate, to the net carrying amount of the financial asset or liability.<br />

ii.<br />

PBE FRS 48 Service Performance <strong>Report</strong>ing<br />

• Sports House Recoveries are recognised in the period to which they relate.<br />

PBE FRS 48 Service Performance <strong>Report</strong>ing is effective for the period from 1 July 2022 and was adopted by Sport<br />

Auckland on that date.<br />

PBE FRS 48 require specific disclosure for the reporting of service performance information which have been<br />

provided in the statement of service performance.<br />

4.4 Financial instruments<br />

Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised when the Trust becomes a party to the contractual provisions<br />

of the financial instrument.<br />

48 <strong>Annual</strong> report<br />

<strong>Annual</strong> report<br />


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