Peace & Freedom: 2023 Fall/Winner issue

Published by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, US Section

Published by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, US Section

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The Nazis killed six million Jews, as well as Roma, gay people,

and people with mental and physical disabilities. Rosenberg

argued that it is possible to learn facts without “their having

any impact on the way we understand ourselves or the world

we live in.” Understanding the meaning of an event is a much

deeper process by which “it becomes integrated into one’s

moral and intellectual life,” part of a person’s analysis and

ethical principles. In addition, “Understanding compels us to

action, even though we may not initially want to change our

habitual ways of thinking and being.”

I’ve found this distinction helpful in thinking about how

people in the United States can be allies in Korean people’s

struggles for peace and disarmament. How do we change

our lack of concern? What gets in the way? And what compels

us to act? I believe we need guides and teachers, open

minds, and a willingness to show up. Several robust Korean

and Korean American organizations, listed below, provide

information, materials for use in school and community settings,

and opportunities to join ongoing campaigns to finally

end the Korean War.

Rather than continuing the military buildup and threats,

it is imperative to ease economic sanctions against North

Korea and start meaningful talks toward a peace agreement.

This is the safest way to address the ongoing security crisis

and reduce the threat of nuclear conflict. More than this,

millions of people on the Korean peninsula, across the Asia

Pacific region, and indeed worldwide, could thrive if massive

military spending was redirected toward genuine security for

people and the planet. In Washington, DC, Republicans and

Democrats alike are fueling military spending, with $886

billion proposed for the coming fiscal year, the highest ever.

Ro Khanna is the only member of the House Armed Services

Committee to vote against this.

In July 2023, South Koreans held rallies, marches, and

press conferences in Seoul, at the DMZ, and in other cities. In

Washington, DC, the National Mobilization to End the Korean

War called for sustained diplomatic engagement toward a

binding peace agreement on the Korean peninsula. For the

past three years, the Korea Peace Appeal has collected hundreds

of thousands of signatures calling for an official end to

the Korean War. Organizers plan to deliver them to the UN

Secretary General in New York, and to UN representatives from

the ROK, DPRK, US, and China at the end of September 2023.

Gwyn Kirk is a founder-member of the International Women’s

Network Against Militarism that links activists across the

Asia-Pacific region. She was part of an international women’s

delegation to North and South Korea in 2015 to call for the

end of the Korean War. See“Stitching Korea Back Together,”

Peace and Freedom (Fall/Winter 2015), vol. 75, no. 2: 18-19.

Five Things We Can Do

1. Go to the WILPF webpage on Korea for updated

information on the continuing human costs of the

Korean War, including divided families and humanitarian

crises, and US responsibility for the current situation.

2. Screen and discuss the award-winning documentary

Crossings. This film features thirty women activists

including Nobel Peace Laureates and noted US feminist

Gloria Steinem, who crossed the DMZ from North to

South Korea in 2015, calling for an end to the Korean


3. Check out the following organizations, which are all

building on the actions they organized this year:

Korea Peace Action: koreapeaceaction.org

Korea Peace Appeal Campaign:


Korea Peace Now: Path to Peace: The Case for a

Peace Agreement to End the Korean War

The Korea Policy Institute: kpolicy.or

Women Cross DMZ: womencrossdmz.org

4. Support the Peace on the Korean Peninsula Act

(H.R. 1369). Catalyze Congressional and public support

for this initiative, introduced by Brad Sherman (D-CA),

which now has 34 co-sponsors in the US Congress.

5. Continue to oppose bloated military budgets and

demand that this money is redirected toward vital social

and environmental needs.


1 Gertrude Carman Bussey and Margaret Tims, Pioneers for Peace: Women’s

International League for Peace and Freedom 1915-1965, 2 nd edition

(WILPF British Section, 1980), 204-205.

2 Josh Smith, “US, S.Korea to hold big exercises with focus on N.Korea

“aggression”,” Reuters, March 3, 2023.

3 Commander, Submarine Group Seven, “USS Michigan Visits Busan,”

www.csp.navy.mil/csg7/, June 21, 2023.

4 Justin McCurry, “The Vladimir Putin-Kim Jong-un Summit: five things we

learned,” The Guardian, September 15, 2023.

5 Dave DeCamp, “US to Establish New Space Force Command Post in

Japan,” Antiwar.com, September 18, 2023.

6 Alan Rosenberg, “The crisis in knowing and understanding the Holocaust,”

in Echoes from the Holocaust: Philosophical Reflections on a

Dark Time, ed. by A. Rosenberg and G.E. Myers (Temple University

Press, 1988), 382.


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