Peace & Freedom: 2023 Fall/Winner issue

Published by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, US Section

Published by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, US Section

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a sense of global responsibility and ethical awareness that

they could pave the way to disaster.

As we do with nuclear weapons, we question how useful

AI weapons will be. If you use AI weapons on an enemy’s

homeland and if your adversary also has them, when your

adversary strikes back, your country will be devastated….

clearly a suicidal option. And if your adversary doesn’t have

AI weapons, it’s not war, it’s genocide. Will AI weaponry be

a deterrent? Not according to some Pentagon AI specialists,

who fear with time, a rogue group or nation could destroy us.

Other AI specialists, even in the Defense Advanced Research

Projects Agency (DARPA), have admitted that with very complex

weapon systems, there is no way to completely eliminate

mistakes and oversights that could lead to disasters. 1

The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

(WILPF) has confronted the menace and humanitarian disaster

of war for the past 108 years and sees this dialogue on military

applications of AI as vital. Like Europe, we want to take

a safer and saner approach to global security: to only use AI

for peacemaking, arms control, and the avoidance of war; or,

at least, to avoid unnecessary killing in war.

WILPF members, please ask your legislators to vote for just

and sane regulations of AI and demand a budget that includes

AI for PEACE and finding ways to safely wean off nuclear

weapons and lethal autonomous weapons.


1. For expert opinion on the R & D of AI weapons, read Paul Scharre’s

Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War (W.W.

Norton & Company, 2018).

In this article, artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of

a computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks

commonly associated with intelligent beings. The term is

frequently applied to the project of developing systems with

the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or learn

from past experiences.

CSW Practicum Now Open to

Young Activists

By Shilpa Pandey

Coordinator, UN Practicum in Advocacy

As a young woman growing up in India and dreaming

about a just society where women get to participate

in the decision-making

process as much as men

do, I often wondered how to go

about it. In my search for a platform

that would allow me to bring

suppressed voices to the front lines,

I discovered WILPF in India. One of

the things that struck me was that

WILPF had a consultative status

with the United Nations (UN) and

that meant the work our activists

did at the local community level

found its voice resonating at the

global arena through our organization’s

representatives who had a seat at the table at the UN.

As years went by, and having myself worked professionally

with the United Nations agency in India as a consultant, I often

pondered how we can expose more and more young women

activists to these kinds of experiences. How can we engage

young women who are interested in learning more about

how the UN functions or how voices from their communities

might reach some of the highest levels of decision making?

Well, the answer came to me when I moved to the United

States and became active with the US section of WILPF. I came

to learn about the CSW programs that WILPF offers.

Due to its consultative status with the UN, WILPF US is able

to offer a UN Practicum in Advocacy program that allows us

to take select participants to the UN during the first half of

March held at the UN headquarters in New York City, and

to participate as delegates at the annual Commission on the

Status of Women (CSW) programs.

During other years, these programs

were restricted to only those

applicants who were enrolled in

universities or colleges in traditional

study programs. But this year

we have opened these programs

to young activists who may not

be enrolled in a formal study program

but are community leaders

and budding activists who want

to make a change. We know these

young activists can benefit from

International delegates to the UN at CSW 67, 2023.

Photo credit: Shilpa Pandey.

WILPF’s programs as they network,

attend, and participate in all of the

panels, events, and other forums that are available during

the annual CSW sessions.

The application for the year 2024 is already open and I

am hoping that we see more and more young women from

diverse communities apply for these.

I feel honored to be a coordinator for this program which

truly is an example of bringing local voices to the global forum.


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