Peace & Freedom: 2023 Fall/Winner issue

Published by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, US Section

Published by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, US Section

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WILPF Rises to the Challenge

Warheads to Windmills, AI and War, CSW Practicum Changes

By Vicki Elson

Creative Director, NuclearBan.US

WILPF has long advocated for abolishing both

nuclear weapons and fossil fuels – two of the

biggest existential threats to our world. Now,

WILPF is helping to combine the efforts of climate

and anti-nuke groups, aiming to nurture collaboration

and growth that strengthen both campaigns.

WILPF US has joined the new Warheads to Windmills

Coalition, which supports peace, climate, and environmental

organizations by providing effective action tools for their

members. Ellen Thomas, MacGregor Eddy, and Cherrill Spencer

are some of the WILPFers helping to midwife the coalition

into its full fruition.

The coalition is facilitated by WILPF partner NuclearBan.

US. We demand that the nine nuclear-armed nations eliminate

their arsenals, and use the money, brainpower, jobs,

and infrastructure to cut global carbon emissions in half by

2030 and to no more than the Earth can absorb by 2050. The

world’s biggest carbon emitters must stop pointing nuclear

weapons at each other and work together on building a

fossil-free economy.

This is not a politically “realistic” demand. It is not a polite

request. It is what is needed for our survival as a species and

a planet.

The Warheads to Windmills Coalition aims to coordinate

what we already have and build on it. We already have worldwide

climate and anti-nuke movements. We already have

excellent alternatives to fossil fuels. We already have excellent

pathways to safe and fair global disarmament, like the

game-changing Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

(TPNW). A global Fossil Fuels Treaty is in the works. We are all

working to bust myths, misinformation, and propaganda, and

provide useful education. We are all pressuring the profiteers

with divestment, boycotts, shareholder actions, and NVDA

(nonviolent direct action). We already have local, state, and

national legislation in process.

Thanks to WILPF campaigners (hats off to Ellen Thomas!),

there is a pending federal bill to convert “warheads to windmills.”

WILPF has worked with Congresswoman Eleanor

Holmes Norton (D-DC) to develop and promote the Nuclear

Abolition and Conversion Act, H.R. 2775. It calls for the US to

sign the TPNW as a first step to safely, fairly, verifiably eliminating

all nuclear weapons from all countries, and to convert

the resources to climate solutions and other pressing human

needs. It is a stellar example of legislation to “feed two birds

with one scone!”

From left: Timmon Wallis, NuclearBan.US, Beatrice Fihn, ICAN,

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC), and Vicki Elson,

NuclearBan.US/WILPF. Fihn is displaying the Nobel Peace Prize and

Norton is displaying her bill.

To abolish the nukes and implement the most effective

green technologies, it takes a lot of facts, figures, history,

ideas, and examples of what works. We recently published an

updated, downloadable summary of our report, Warheads to

Windmills: Preventing Climate Catastrophe and Nuclear War.

The extensive book version is coming soon. It will be an

accessible, deeply researched, amply illustrated, thoroughly

referenced handbook for legislators, students, campaigners,

organizations, and the general public. Find the summary and

the report at warheadstowindmills.org/report/.

There is hope. Against all odds, we’ve made headway

against these trillion-dollar industries of extinction. Keep up

the great work!

Artificial Intelligence and War

By Eileen Kurkoski and Margo Schulter

Disarm Subcommittee on Drones & Autonomous Weapons

The European Parliament, European Union (EU), and

the United Kingdom (UK) are taking seriously the

threat to international security and innocent civilians

posed by the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in military

applications, and the frightening prospect looming just

over the horizon of killer robots ready to make life or death

decisions without a human in the loop. Possibly Europe and

the UK are more sensitive to these issues because of their

homeland experience of two world wars.

However, in the United States, Senator Chuck Schumer

and other important figures in our government have not yet

adequately focused on the risks of military AI. They emphasize

the “need to beat China,” a significant competitor in developing

AI weapons. We question the wisdom of using these

technical advances when those uses are not accompanied by


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