Business Action | Winter 2023

Winter 2023 issue of the independent North Devon-based business magazine covering news on business and enterprise in the area. This issue includes the coverage of BBxpo Bideford business exhibition on 26 October 2023, the upcoming launch of the North Devon Business Awards 2024 and articles on businesses in Ilfracombe, local business directory listings plus more.

Winter 2023 issue of the independent North Devon-based business magazine covering news on business and enterprise in the area. This issue includes the coverage of BBxpo Bideford business exhibition on 26 October 2023, the upcoming launch of the North Devon Business Awards 2024 and articles on businesses in Ilfracombe, local business directory listings plus more.


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400 more places added on skills bootcamps<br />

Some 400 extra freetraining<br />

placeshavebeenmade<br />

availableonDevonCounty<br />

Council’sTrain4Tomorrow<br />

SkillsBootcamps.The<br />

programmeisfundedbythe<br />

NationalSkillsFund.<br />

Aimedatadultsaged19and<br />

over,theflexible,shortcourses<br />

runforupto16weeks,<br />

deliveringskillstrainingacross<br />

anumberofsectors,including<br />

digital,technical,construction,<br />

greenskills,healthandsocial<br />

care,andprofessionalservices.<br />

SkillsBootcampsarefreeto<br />

individualswhowishtoupskill<br />

andchangecareer.Employers<br />

whowishtoupskilltheirstaff<br />

areexpectedtopart-fundthe<br />

costofthetraining.<br />

Wide choice of courses<br />

Morethan30courses,delivered<br />

byarangeoftrainingproviders<br />

acrosstheregion,arecurrently<br />

opentoapplicants,including:<br />

➤ Dataanalysis<br />

➤ Constructionskills<br />

➤ Digitalmarketing<br />

➤ Welding<br />

➤ Electricvehicletechnician<br />

➤ Regenerativefarming<br />

➤ Workinginhealthand<br />

socialcare<br />

➤ Cybersecurity<br />

➤ Projectmanagement<br />

➤ Hospitality<br />

➤ Webdesign<br />

Developed with business<br />

ManySkillsBootcampshave<br />

beendevelopedwithemployers<br />

acrosstheregiontoensurethat<br />

theskillsgainedmeetthe<br />

existingskillsneedsofsectors<br />

andindustry.<br />

Train4Tomorrowcanwork<br />

withanyemployertoprovide<br />

co-fundedSkillsBootcampsto<br />

upskillstaff.<br />

Foremployerslookingto<br />

recruit,Train4TomorrowSkills<br />

Bootcampprovidesaccessto<br />

industry-readytalent,tomeet<br />

immediateskillsneeds.<br />

Bootcamp benefits<br />

SkillsBootcampsaimtohelp<br />

employers,businesses,and<br />

organisationsto:<br />

➤ Upskillstaff–integrating<br />

trainingintostaff<br />

developmentatasmallcost<br />

tohelpimproveretention,<br />

fillhigherlevelsof<br />

employmentbyupskilling<br />

andrecruitinginhouse,and<br />

freeingupentrylevelroles<br />

➤ Recruit–byaccessing<br />

industry-readybootcamp<br />

graduatesatlittlecost<br />

➤ Contribute–collaborating<br />

withotheremployersto<br />

informthecontentand<br />

deliveryofSkillsBootcamps<br />

andhelpingshapepolicyto<br />

emergingneeds<br />

How can employers help?<br />

Employerscanalsosupport<br />

bootcampsby:<br />

➤ Giving30minutesoftimeto<br />

inspirelearnerswithatalk<br />

ontheirsector,industryor<br />

organisation<br />

➤ Offeringtoursofabusiness<br />

ororganisationforSkills<br />

Bootcampgraduatesanda<br />

sit-downchatwiththeir<br />

employees–eitheravirtual<br />

orphysicalvisit<br />

➤ Offeringpracticeorreal<br />

interviewsandemployment<br />

opportunitiestobootcamp<br />

graduates<br />

■ Fordetailsofcoursesand<br />

howtoapply,visit<br />

train4tomorrow.org.uk<br />

Need it<br />

Find it<br />

4 copies of <strong>Business</strong> <strong>Action</strong><br />

magazine posted to you,<br />

12-month online listing<br />

& 4 business listings<br />

for £30 per year<br />

Book at needitfindit.uk<br />

HERE<br />

Kick Off in <strong>Business</strong>isafully<br />

funded,one-weekcourse<br />

availabletoadults(19+)who<br />

areinterestedinexploringthe<br />

optionofself-employmentor<br />

startingtheirownbusiness.<br />

Thisnationalprogrammeis<br />

designedprimarilytosupport<br />

thoseeitheratanearly,<br />

embryonicstageintheir<br />

businessventure,orattheprestartstage.However,theycan<br />

havealreadystartedabusiness<br />

orregisteredasself-employed.<br />

Theonlinecourseis<br />

completelyfreeandcanbe<br />

completedathome.<br />

Empowering owners<br />

KickOffin<strong>Business</strong>hasbeen<br />

empoweringpeopletolaunch<br />

theirownbusinessesformore<br />

than10years.<br />

Kick off your business<br />

Itaimstohelpthevastmajority<br />

ofthestart-upcommunity<br />

whowishtosetupa<br />

conventionalbusinessinan<br />

emergingortraditional<br />

marketratherthancreatea<br />

massivecorporation.<br />

Clear and useful<br />

Thefully-funded,shortonline<br />

coursesofferuncomplicated,<br />

usefulinformationand<br />

guidanceforanyoneinthe<br />

processofsettinguptheir<br />

businessorsimplyexploring<br />

theidea.<br />

Thecourse’sno-jargon<br />

approachgivesindividuals<br />

everythingtheyneedtotake<br />

thatleapoffaithandunleash<br />

theirinnerentrepreneur.<br />

Coursecontentincludes:<br />

➤ Personalskillsand<br />

characteristics<br />

➤ Formalregistrationand<br />

setup<br />

➤ Legalsandinsurances<br />

➤ Researchandbusiness<br />

planning<br />

➤ Money,budgetingand<br />

finance<br />

➤ Buildingaproposition<br />

andbranding<br />

➤ Creatinganidentityand<br />

findingaUSP<br />

➤ Socialmedia,marketing<br />

andpromotion<br />

➤ Launchandtrading<br />

Real business advice<br />

Morethan10,000business<br />

ownershavealreadycompleted<br />

thecourseandstartedtheir<br />

ownbusinessbasedonthe<br />

learningtheyhavereceived<br />

fromrealbusinessowners.<br />

Learningtakesplaceonline<br />

throughinteractivesessionsso<br />

learnerscancompletethe<br />

courseinthecomfortoftheir<br />

homes.Theywillalsoreceive<br />

threemonths’freebusiness<br />

supportoncompletionofthe<br />

courseandreceivetwo<br />

enterprisequalifications.<br />

Toreceivefundingforthe<br />

course,applicantsmustbe<br />

agedover19andinterestedin<br />

exploringself-employmentor<br />

startingabusiness.<br />

■ Fordetailsandtoapply,visit<br />

kickoffinbusiness.co.uk<br />

6 business action | <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2023</strong> | business-action.co.uk

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