Business Action | Winter 2023

Winter 2023 issue of the independent North Devon-based business magazine covering news on business and enterprise in the area. This issue includes the coverage of BBxpo Bideford business exhibition on 26 October 2023, the upcoming launch of the North Devon Business Awards 2024 and articles on businesses in Ilfracombe, local business directory listings plus more.

Winter 2023 issue of the independent North Devon-based business magazine covering news on business and enterprise in the area. This issue includes the coverage of BBxpo Bideford business exhibition on 26 October 2023, the upcoming launch of the North Devon Business Awards 2024 and articles on businesses in Ilfracombe, local business directory listings plus more.


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business<br />

ACTION<br />

Commitment to independent awards<br />

Fifth year of awards<br />

<strong>Business</strong><strong>Action</strong>isdelightedto<br />

launchourfifthNorthDevon<br />

<strong>Business</strong>Awardsandwelcomes<br />

everybusinessbasedor<br />

operatinginNorthDevonto<br />

enterthe2024awardswhen<br />

theyopenon29December.<br />

Independent judging<br />

Theawardshavegonefrom<br />

strengthtostrengthandthe<br />

feedbackfromentrantsisthat,<br />

aboveall,theyvaluethejudging<br />

ofawardsbyourindependent<br />

panel.Wearegratefultoour<br />

judgesandoursponsorsfor<br />

agreeingtoourrulesthatthey<br />

donotentertheirown<br />

businessesintheawards.<br />

Toensureandmaintainthis<br />

independenceandfairness,we<br />

confirmthateveryaward<br />

winnerin2024willbe<br />

selectedbyourpanelof<br />

independentjudges.<br />

NFU Mutual Barnstaple & Bideford sponsored the North Devon <strong>Business</strong><br />

Awards Winners Event <strong>2023</strong> at the Landmark Theatre, Ilfracombe<br />

business-action.co.uk/awards<br />

Inclusive and transparent<br />

Ouraimhasalwaysbeento<br />

providecategoriesenabling<br />

everybusinesstoenterandthe<br />

‘<strong>Business</strong>-to-<strong>Business</strong>’and<br />

‘Consumer’Achievement<br />

Awardscoverallbusinesses,<br />

whileothercategoriesfocuson<br />

specificaspectsofbusiness,<br />

suchas‘New<strong>Business</strong>’and<br />

‘YoungAchiever’.<br />

Therangeofwinnersover<br />

thepastfouryearsdemonstrates<br />

thatitispossibleforany<br />

businesstowinanawardand<br />

thatitreallyisworthwhileto<br />

enteryourbusiness.<br />

Valuable award benefits<br />

➤ Enterawardsforfree<br />

➤ Winners’trophiesand<br />

accompanyingpublicityare<br />

allfree<br />

➤ Nounverifiablepublicvotes<br />

–winnersselectedonmerit<br />

➤ Onlycostisforticketstothe<br />

WinnersEventonThursday<br />

9May2024attheLandmark<br />

Theatre,Ilfracombe<br />

Thank you to sponsors<br />

Wethankallour<strong>2023</strong>sponsors<br />

highlightedintheirsponsored<br />

awardonthesepagesandto<br />

eventsponsorNFUMutual<br />

BarnstapleandBideford.<br />

Wearegratefultothose<br />

renewingtheirsupportin2024.<br />

Enter 2024<br />

awards from<br />

29 December<br />

Wow,whatayear!Ithasbeen<br />

fullofhighs(winningthe<br />

<strong>Business</strong><strong>Action</strong>NorthDevon<br />

<strong>Business</strong>oftheYearmost<br />

certainlybeingoneofthose<br />

highs!)butalsoitschallenges.<br />

Thestartofouryearsawthe<br />

purchaseofanewcompany<br />

(WheelCover.Com)andthe<br />

installationofanewsoftware<br />

programtokeepusrunning<br />

efficientlythatwasdesigned<br />

especiallyforus.<br />

Astheyearcontinued,we<br />

werehitwithenergycosts<br />

increasingandforcingour<br />

handforchangewhichledto<br />

oursolarpanelsbeinginstalled.<br />

Althoughthisdecisionhada<br />

strongfinancialbenefittoour<br />

business,wealsosawitaddto<br />

NORTH DEVON BUSINESS OF THE YEAR <strong>2023</strong><br />

sponsored by<br />

Philip J Milton & Company plc<br />

MADE IN NORTH DEVON <strong>2023</strong><br />

sponsored by<br />

Seldons Solicitors<br />

Winner: The Sign Maker<br />

North Devon <strong>Business</strong> of the Year <strong>2023</strong>: (from left) Poppy-Lea Price of<br />

The Sign Maker with sponsor Philip J Milton and editor Robert Zarywacz<br />

Sponsor the<br />

North Devon<br />

<strong>Business</strong> Awards<br />

ourgreenenergyasit<br />

complementstheenergy<br />

producedbyourwindturbine.<br />

Salesfluctuatecontinuously<br />

astheeconomycontinuesto<br />

adjustpost-Covidandinthe<br />

costoflivingcrisis.However,<br />

ourdynamicandcreativeteam<br />

continuetothrive.Thisis<br />

evidentwithournewsister<br />

companyWheelCover.com<br />

goingfromstrengthtostrength<br />

withnewproductranges.<br />

Wehavealsojustbeen<br />

awardedahighlycommended<br />

awardbyDevonWomenin<br />

<strong>Business</strong>forEco<strong>Business</strong>of<br />

theyear.<br />

Wearelookingforwardto<br />

anotherexcitingyearwithlots<br />

ofprojectslinedup.<br />

8 business action | <strong>Winter</strong> <strong>2023</strong> | business-action.co.uk

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